Laut Bioware wird am 08.09.2015 die finale Story-Erweiterung für das Rollenspiel Dragon Age: Inquisition für PC, PS4 und Xbox One erscheinen. Das DLC trägt den Namen Trespasser (deutsch: Eindringling) und wird ein Epilog zum Hautspiel werden - es setzt die Storyline 2 Jahre in der Zukunft fort. Dies ist laut Mike Laidlaw (Creative Director) ein Novum für die Entwickler:

Our final announcement today was of Trespasser, the final DLC for Inquisition. It's something we haven't tried before: an epilogue. Trespasser tells an entirely new story, set two years after the main game. The story explores what it's like to be a world-saving organization when the world no longer needs saving. It's a chance to meet and talk with old friends, to uncover a new threat, and ultimately decide the fate of the Inquisition you worked so hard to build. It might just contain hints about the future of Thedas, too.

To play Trespasser, you"ll need a character that has completed DAI's main storyline, which is partly why we're announcing it a bit earlier-from-release than the others. This content marks the end of our time with the Inquisition. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

Das DLC befasst sich demnach mit der Frage, wie es ist, eine weltenrettende Organisation zu sein, wenn die Welt überhaupt nicht mehr gerettet werden muss. Diese Erweiterung gibt somit den Spielern die Möglichkeit, alte Freunde wiederzutreffen und sich mit ihnen zu unterhalten, aber auch eine neue Bedrohung aufzudecken und letztendlich über das Schicksal der Inquisition zu entscheiden. Und es soll ggf. Hinweise auf die Zukunft von Thedas geben. Wer die Hauptstory abgeschlossen hat, kann das DLC Trespasser spielen.

Begleitet wird die Erweiterung von einem Patch, der zusätzliche Features in Dragon Age: Inquisition integriert:

First, the Golden Nug lets you sync your collectibles across games after you"ve completed DA:I's main story. To take advantage of this, head to the Skyhold Undercroft post game and click the new Golden Nug statue. After you've done that once, every game that's both a) online and b) on the same platform will have a similar statue added to the Undercroft and Haven. Clicking on that statue will sync your current game. This sync is bi-directional and additive, which means that any collectibles will be added to the online collection, even if the character doing the clicking is pre-endgame. It's like new game plus...without having to start a new game.

We're quite excited about this approach, since it lets you take advantage of your collection without having to restart a game already in progress. Also, each character that participates adds to your collection. The sync includes crafting schematics (including those acquired in DLC packs, as long as the packs are installed), potion recipes (but not upgrades), mounts, and Skyhold decorations.

Second, Skyhold now has a wardrobe. It comes pre-loaded with about a dozen outfits of varying colors, each carefully selected to minimize instances of plunging a spiked pauldron into your love interest's face when you kiss him or her.

Wann der Patch erscheint und ob die Story-Erweiterung auch für PS3 und Xbox360 ist bisher noch nicht bekannt.

Quelle: Offizielle Ankündigung @