
Das Passwort zum Entpacken der Datei lautet: cheatscorner

Infos zum Trainer können den i.d.R. enthaltenen Info-Files entnommen werden, die Hinweise zur Verwendung und Tastenbelegungen des Trainers beinhalten.

Bitte beachtet, dass der Trainer ggf. nur mit speziellen Versionen des Spiels funktioniert.

   Trainer Notes 
   Game Version:1.5  build 4158.5  Trained by:................DNA    
   Release:...................RLD  Tested on:...............Win 7    
   Chiptune:...........bunnyboobz  Date:...............03/06/2014    
   Trainer Design by:.........................................DNA                   

   Available Options 

   Hotkeys                        Function    
   NUM 0                          Save Position            
   NUM 1                          Load Position            
   NUM 2                          Super Speed*                
   NUM 3                          Undo Teleport            
   NUM 4                          Inf HP                   
   NUM 5                          Inf Focus                
   NUM 6                          Inf Ammo*                
   NUM 7                          One Hit Kill                
   NUM 8                          Invisibility*               
   NUM 9                          Inf Money*               
   NUM *                          Inf Focuspoints*            
   Additional Notes  
   How to use                                                   
   1. Start the game                                            
   2. Wait until you are in mainmenu                            
   3. Tab out and start the Trainer                             
   Super Speed                                                  
   This option does not work in focus-vision                    
   Inf Ammo                                                     
   Just shoot to get inf ammo.                                  
   Enemies won't see or even attack you until                   
   you attack them.                                             
   Inf Money / Inf Focuspoints                                  
   Open your journal to see the effect.