Cheats & more! - - Spiderliste :: Alle Spiele :: Kurzliste
- 007 - Die Welt ist nicht genug
- 007 Racing
- 1-Deck Poker Select
- 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix
- 102 Dalmatiner
- 102 Dalmatiner
- 1193 Anno Domini
- 11th Hour, The
- 18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker
- 18 Wheels of Steel - Haulin
- 18 Wheels of Steel - Pedal to the Metal
- 18 Wheels Of Steel Across America
- 1869
- 1914 - The Great War
- 1944 - Winterschlacht in den Ardennen
- 2 Xtreme
- 24 Stunden von Le Mans
- 2400 A.D.
- 25 to Life
- 2K7
- 3 Dirty Dwarves
- 3001 - Space Survival
- 3D Baseball
- 3D Frog Frenzy
- 3D Helicopter Coyote Hunt
- 3D Hunting Grizzly
- 3D Lemmings
- 3D Lemmings
- 4 x 4 Evo 2
- 4x4 Evolution
- 4x4 Evolution 2
- 4x4 World Trophy
- 5. Element, Das
- 50 Cent - Bulletproof
- 5th Element, The
- 688I Hunter Killer
- 7 Sins
- 7 Up
- 7th Guest
- 911 Fire & Rescue
- 911 First Responders
- A Bug´s Life
- A Game Of Thrones - Genesis
- A Mind Forever Voyaging
- A-10 Cuba
- A-Train
- A-Train
- A2 Racer 3
- Aargon Deluxe
- Ab durch die Hecke
- Abandoned Places
- Abenteuer Europa
- Abes Exoddus
- Abe´s Exoddus
- Abiens 97
- Ablanze
- Ablaze
- Absolute Blue
- Absolute Terror
- Abuse
- Ace Combat - Assault Horizon
- Ace Combat 2
- Ace Ventura
- Acres Of Gold
- Acrophobia
- Act of War - Direct Action
- Act of War - High Treason
- Action Bass
- Action Man - Mission Xtreme
- Actua Ice Hockey
- Actua Soccer
- Actua Soccer 2
- Actua Soccer 3
- Adidas Power Soccer
- Adidas Power Soccer International
- Adidas Super Soccer
- Adrenalin
- Adrenix
- Advance Wars
- Advanced Battlegrounds - The Future of Combat
- Advanched TFX
- Advent Rising
- Advent Rising
- Adventures of Willy Beamish
- Aerial Strike
- Affäre Morlov, Die
- African Safari Trophy Hunter 3D
- Afrika Korps vs. Desert Rats
- Afterfall InSanity
- Agassi Tennis Generation
- Agatha Christie - Tod auf dem Nil
- Agatha Christie - Und dann gabs keines mehr
- Age of Alexander
- Age of Booty
- Age of Empires
- Age of Empires - Aufstieg Roms
- Age of Empires - Mythologies
- Age of Empires 2
- Age Of Empires 2
- Age of Empires 2 - The Conqueror
- Age of Empires 3
- Age of Empires 3 - The Asian Dynasties
- Age of Empires 3 - The WarChiefs
- Age of Mythology
- Age of Pirates -Caribbean Tales
- Age of Sails 2
- Age of Wonders - Shadow Magic
- Age of Wonders 2
- Agent Armstrong
- Agent Hugo Operation Lemoon Twist
- Aggressive Inline
- Aggressive Inline
- Aggressor
- Agharta - The Hollow Earth
- Agile Warriors
- Aikens Artifact
- Air Combat
- Air Conflicts Vietnam
- Air Race
- Airblade
- Airfix Dogfighter
- Airfix Dogfighters
- Airline 69
- Airline Tycoon
- Airline Tycoon Deluxe
- Airline Tycoon First Class
- Airport Inc.
- Airport Tycoon 2
- AirPro 2000
- Airstrike 2
- Airstrike 2 Gulf Thunder
- Akimbo
- Akuij - The Heartless
- Akuji The Heartless
- Akuma
- Alan Wake
- Alan Wakes American Nightmare
- Alarm für Cobra 11
- Alarm für Cobra 11 - Crash Time
- Alarm für Cobra 11 - Highway Nights
- Alarm für Cobra 11 - Undercover
- Alarm für Cobra 11 Directors Cut
- Alchemy
- Alexander
- Alfred Hitchcocks The Final Cut
- Alias
- Alice
- Alice Greenfingers 2
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alien - Die Wiedergeburt
- Alien Isolation
- Alien Rampage
- Alien Shooter
- Alien Shooter 2
- Alien Shooter 2 - Conscription
- Alien Shooter Vengeance
- Alien Swarm
- Alien Trilogy
- Alien Triology
- Alien vs. Predator 2 - Primal Hunt
- Aliens vs Predator (2010)
- Aliens vs. Predator - Extinction
- Aliens vs. Predator - Extinction
- Aliens vs. Predator 2
- All-Star Baseball 2002
- All-Star Baseball 2003
- Alley Cat
- Alone in the Dark
- Alone in the Dark - Near Death Investigation
- Alone in the Dark 2
- Alone in the Dark 2
- Alone in the Dark 3
- Alone in the Dark 4
- Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Centauri - Alien Crossfire
- Alpha Prime
- Alpine Racer 3
- Alter Echo
- Alundra
- Amazing Adventures Around The World
- Amazing Spiderman
- Amazon - The Guardians of Eden
- Amazon Queen
- Amazon Trail
- Ambermoon
- Amenophis
- America - No Peace beyond the
- American Civil War - Gettysburg
- American Conquest
- American Conquest - Divided Nation
- American Conquest - Fight Back
- American Dream
- American History Lux
- American Idol
- American Truck Simulator
- Americas Army
- Americas Army - Special Forces Overmatch
- Americas Secret Operations
- Amnesia - The Dark Descent
- Amok
- Amped - Freestyle Snowboarding
- Amped 3
- Amsgolf
- Anachronox
- Anarchy Online
- Ancient Rome
- Ancient Wars - Sparta
- And 1 Streetball
- Andretti Racing
- Animal Crossing
- Animal Crossing - Wild World
- Anna Kournikovas Smash Court Tennis
- Anno 1404
- Anno 1404 - Venice
- Anno 1503
- Anno 1602
- Anno 1602 - Neue Inseln, Neue Abenteuer
- Anno 1701
- ANNO 1701 - Der Fluch des Drachen
- Anno 2070
- Another War
- Another World
- Another World - 15th Anniversary Edition
- Anschlag, Der
- Anstoss 2 Verlängerung
- Anstoss 2005
- Anstoss 2006
- Anstoss 2007
- Anstoss 3
- Anstoss 4
- Anstoss 4 Edition 03/04
- Ape Escape
- Apocalypse
- Aqua Bubble
- Aqua Energizer
- Aquanoid
- Aquanox 2
- Aquanox 2 - Revelation
- Arabian Nights
- Arcade America
- ArcaniA - Gothic 4
- Arcanum
- Arcatera
- Archangel
- Archimedean Dynasty
- Archipelagos
- Archipelagos 2000
- Arctic Thunder
- Ardennes Offensive
- Arena Wars
- Ark - Survival Evolved
- Arkadion
- Arma - Cold War Assault
- Arma Tactics
- Armed And Dangerous
- Armed Assault
- Armed Assault 2
- Armed Forces Corp.
- Armies of Exigo
- Armored Core 2
- Armored Core 2 - Another Age
- Armored Fist 2
- Army Man
- Army Men - Air Attack
- Army Men - Air Attack 2
- Army Men - Air Attack 2
- Army Men - Lock & Load
- Army Men - Sarge's Heroes
- Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2
- Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2
- Army Men - World War
- Army Men - World War - Final Front
- Army Men 2
- Army Men 3D
- Army Men: Sarges Heroes
- Arrancones - Police Unleashed
- Arsenal of Democracy
- Arthurs Quest Battle For The Kingdom
- Arx Fatalis
- Ascendancy
- Asphalt Duell
- Assassins Creed - Revelations
- Assassins Creed 3
- Assassins Creed 4 - Black Flag
- Assassins Creed Brotherhood
- Assassins Creed II
- Assault Heroes
- Assault Rigs
- Assault Rigs
- Asterix
- Asterix & Obelix
- Asterix at the Olympic Games
- Asteroids
- Asteroids
- Astonia 3
- Astro Boy - The Video Game
- Astro Marine Corps
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Sky Patrol
- ATV - Quad Power Racing 2
- ATV - Quad Power Racing 2
- ATV Mudracer
- ATV Offroad Fury
- ATV Quad Power Racing 2
- Austin Powers Pinball
- Australia Zoo Quest
- Auto Destruct
- Autobahn Raser 3
- Autobahn Raser 4
- Avatar - Das Spiel
- Avatar - Herr der Elemente - Der Pfad des Feuers
- Avatar - The Last Airbender
- Avatar - The Last Airbender
- Avatar - The Last Airbender
- Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth
- Avencast - Rise of the Mage
- Avencast Rise of the Mage
- Avernum
- Avernum - Escape From the Pit
- Avernum 4
- Avernum 6
- Awesomenauts
- Axis & Allies
- Axis and Allies (2004)
- Axysoft Alonix
- Ayrton Senna Kart Duel 2
- Azure Dreams
- B-Movie
- Baby Jo
- Back to the Future 3
- Backfire Return
- BackTrack
- Backyard Basketball 2004
- Backyard Football
- Backyard Football 2004
- Backyard Hockey 2005
- Bad Boys II
- Bad Day L.A.
- Bad Dreams
- Bad Rats - The Rats Revenge
- Bakery Shop
- Bakugan - Battle Brawlers
- Bakugan - Battle Brawlers
- Baldurs Gate
- Baldurs Gate - Dark Alliance
- Baldurs Gate - Dark Alliance 2
- Baldurs Gate - Legenden der Sch.
- Baldurs Gate 2 - Shadows Of Amn
- Baldurs Gate 2 - Throne of Bhaal
- Ball, The
- Ballblazer Champions
- Ballerana
- Ballerburg
- Ballerena
- Ballo
- Ballys Corvette
- Band Hero
- Band Hero
- Bang Bang Racing
- Bap
- Baphomets Fluch
- Baphomets Fluch 3 - Der schlafende Drache
- Barbarian
- Bards Tale III
- Barkanoid 2
- Barnyard
- Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Batman Begins
- Batman Begins
- Batman Begins
- Batman Forever
- Batman Vengeance
- Batman Vengeance
- Batman: Vengeance
- Batman: Vengeance
- Battalion Wars 2
- Battle Arena Toshinden
- Battle Arena Toshinden
- Battle Arena Toshinden 2
- Battle Arena Toshinden 3
- Battle Beast
- Battle Engine Aquila
- Battle Engine Aquila
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Battle Force
- Battle Hunter
- Battle Isle 2
- Battle Isle 3 - Schatten des Imperators
- Battle Isle 4 - Der Andosia-Konflikt
- Battle Mages - Sign of Darkness
- Battle of Europe - Royal Air Forces
- Battle Pacman
- Battle Realms
- Battle Realms - Winter of the Wolf
- Battle Snake
- Battle Strike - Schlacht um Stalingrad
- Battlecruiser Millennium
- Battlefield - Bad Company 2
- Battlefield 1942
- Battlefield 1942 - BF 1918
- Battlefield 1942 - Secret Weapons
- Battlefield 1942 - Secret Weapons of WWII
- Battlefield 2
- Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat
- Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat
- Battlefield 2 - Special Forces
- Battlefield 2142
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 4
- Battlefield Vietnam
- Battleforge
- Battleship
- Battlestations
- Battlestations - Midway
- Battlestations - Midway
- Battlestrike - Der Widerstand
- Battlestrike - Force of Resistance
- Battlestrike - Schlacht um Stalingrad
- Battlestrike - Secret Weapons
- Battlezone
- Baumaschinen Simulator 2011
- Bayonetta
- BBS Jane Seymoure
- BDFL Manager 2003
- BDFL Manager 2003
- BDFL Manager 2003
- BDFL Manager 2006
- BDFL Manager 2006
- Beach Life
- Beach Spikers
- Beach Volleyball
- Beast Wars
- Beautiful Sword
- Bejeweled Twist
- Belzerion Belt
- Ben 10 - Alien Force
- Ben 10 - Protector of Earth
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Berkley Bass Tournament Tycoon
- Besieger
- Best Friends - Mein Pferd
- Bet on Soldier
- Beyond Divinity
- Beyond Good & Evil
- Beyond Pearl Harbor
- Beyond The Beyond
- Beyond The Law The Third Wave
- Big Air
- Big Fun - Cool Pool
- Big Game Hunter 4
- Big Mutha Truckers
- Big Mutha Truckers
- Big Mutha Truckers
- Big Mutha Truckers
- Big Scale Racing
- Big Sea
- BIGS 2
- Bionic Commando
- BioShock
- Bioshock 2
- Bioshock Infinite
- BioShock Infinite
- Biosys
- Bird Hunter
- Black
- Black & White
- Black & White 2
- Black Dawn
- Black Gold
- Black Market
- Black Mirror
- Blackhawk
- Blacklight - Tango Down
- Blacksite Area 51
- Blackstone Chronicles
- Blackthrone Blackhawk
- Blade
- Blade 2
- Blade 2
- Bladerunner
- Blades of Exile
- Blades of Time
- Blair Witch 1: Rustin Parr
- Blair Witch 2: Coffin Rock
- Blaizing Trails
- Blake Stone
- Blam! Machinehead
- Blast Chamber
- Blast Radius
- Blasto
- Blazing Angels - Squadrons of WWII
- Blazing Angels 2 - Secret Missions of WWII
- Blazing Dragons
- Bleach - The 3rd Phantom
- Bleifuss
- Bleifuss 2
- Bleifuss Fun
- Blitz
- Blitzkrieg
- Blitzkrieg - Burning Horizon
- Blitzkrieg - Green Devils
- Blitzkrieg - Rolling Thunder
- Blitzkrieg 2
- Blitzkrieg 2 - Die Befreiung
- Blitzkrieg Anthology
- Blood Bath
- Blood Omen 2
- Blood Omen 2
- Blood Rayne
- Blood Rayne
- Blood Wake
- Bloodlines
- Bloodnet
- BloodRayne 2
- Bloody Roar
- Bloody Roar 2
- Bloom
- Bloxorz
- Bloxz
- Blues Brothers
- Boiling Point
- Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Fälle
- Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Fälle
- Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Fälle
- Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Fälle
- Bomberman
- Bomberman - Act Zero
- Bomberman 2
- Bomberman 93
- Bomberman 93
- Bomberman Land
- Bomberman World
- Bomberman World
- Bombuzal
- Bone - The Great Cow Race
- Bone Town
- BoneCraft
- Bonecruncher
- Boogie Superstar
- Bookworm Adventures
- Borderlands
- Borderlands - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
- Borderlands - The Zombie Island of Dr Ned
- Borderlands 2
- Borussia Dortmund Club Football 2005
- Bouldermouse
- Box Champions
- Box Champions 2001
- Boxsport Manager
- Brahma Force
- Braindead 13
- Brave - The Search for Spirit Dancer
- Brave Dwarves - Wichtel Wikinger 1
- Brave Dwarves 2
- Breakfree
- Breakpoint Tennis
- BreakQuest
- Breed
- Brian Lara International Cricket 2005
- Bridge Builder
- Brigade E5 - New Jagged Union
- Brigandine
- Brix 2 Deluxe
- Brix 3 Superlogic
- Brixout XP
- Broken Helix
- Broken Sword - The Shadows of the Templars
- Brothers in Arms
- Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood
- Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood
- Brothers In Arms - Hells Highway
- Brothers In Arms - Hells Highway
- Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30
- Brute Force
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble Hero 2
- Bubble Bobble The New Adventures
- Buffy - The Vampire Slayer
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Bug Riders
- Bug Squash
- Bugs Bunny auf Zeitreise
- Build a Lot 4
- Build-A-Bear Workshop
- Build-A-Bear Workshop
- Bulldozer
- Bulldozer 2
- Bully - Die Ehrenrunde
- Bully - Scholarship Edition
- Bully Scholarship
- Bundesliga Manager 97
- Bundesliga Manager 99
- Bundesligamanager X
- Burger Shop 2
- Burn Zombie Burn
- Burning Road
- Burnout
- Burnout
- Burnout 2
- Burnout 2
- Burnout 2: Point of Impact
- Burnout 3 - Takedown
- Burnout 3 - Takedown
- Burnout Dominator
- Burnout Paradise
- Burnout Revenge
- Bushido Blade
- Business Tycoon
- Bust A Move 2
- Bust A Move
- Bust A Move 2
- Bust em
- Bücher Luzifers, Die
- Böse Nachbarn
- C-12 Final Resistance
- C3 Racing
- Cabelas Off-Road Adventures 3
- Caesar
- Caesar 2
- Caesar 3
- Caesar 4
- Caesars Palace VIP Series Video Poker Deluxe
- Cake Mania 3
- Call of Cthullu - Dark Corners of the Earth
- Call of Duty
- Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare
- Call Of Duty - Black Ops
- Call Of Duty - Black Ops 2
- Call of Duty - Finest Hour
- Call of Duty - Ghosts
- Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3
- Call of Duty - World at War
- Call of Duty 2
- Call of Duty 2
- Call Of Duty 3
- Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare
- Call of Juarez
- Call of Juarez
- Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood
- Call of Juarez - Gunslinger
- Call of Juarez - The Cartel
- Call Of Juarez - The Cartel
- Call-a-Pizza-Dude
- Capcom Fighting Evolution
- Capitalism Plus
- Capricorn
- Capsized
- Captain Comic
- Captain Konflict
- Cardinal Syn
- Carmageddon 2
- Carnivores 2
- Carribean Treasure
- Carrier Command
- Carrier Command - Gaea Mission
- Cars
- Cars
- Cars
- Cars - Hook International
- Cars - The Video Game
- CART Fury - Championship Racing
- Cart Precision Racing
- Cartoon Network - Punch Time Explosion XL
- Cartoon Orbit
- Casino Empire
- Casper
- Cassandras Journey - The Legacy of Nostradamus
- Castle of the Winds
- Castle of the Winds 2
- Castle Strike
- Castlevania
- Castlevania - Circle of the Moon
- Castlevania - Curse of Darkness
- Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow
- Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2
- Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia
- Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin
- Castlevania - Symphony of the Night
- Castlevania Chronicles
- Catan - Die erste Insel
- Catechumen
- Catwoman
- Catwoman
- Cave In
- Cel Damage
- Cel Damage - Overdrive
- Cell Damage
- Celtic Kings
- Celtic Kings - The Punic Wars
- Centipede
- Chakuse Kae Fetish!
- Champions - Return To Arms
- Champions of Norrath
- Championship Bass
- Championship Manager 2
- Championship Manager 2000/2001
- Championship Manager 3
- Championship Manager 4
- Championship Motocross featuring Ricky Carmichael
- Championship Surfer
- Chantelise
- Chaos League
- Chaos Legion
- Chaos Overlords
- Chariots of War
- Charm Tale
- Chase - Hollywood Stunt Driver
- Chase The Express
- Chaser
- Chasm - The Rift
- Cherry Bombs
- Chicago 1930
- Chicken Little - Ace in Action
- Chicken Little Ace In Act
- Chicken Run
- Chimare Deluxe
- Chris Sawyers Locomotion
- Christmas Creepers Demo
- Chrome
- Chronicles of Riddick
- Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena
- Chroniken von Narnia - Prinz Caspian
- Chroniken von Narnia, Die - Der König von Narnia
- Circus Grande
- Circus Maximus
- Cities XL
- City Builder
- City Crisis
- City Jumper
- City Life
- City Life - World Edition
- City of Heroes
- CivCity - Rome
- Civil War Mysteries
- Civilization 2
- Civilization 3
- Civilization 3 - Play the World
- Civilization 4
- Civilization 4 - Beyond the Sword
- Civilization 4 Warlords
- Civilization 5
- Classmate
- Clever! Die Show die Wissen schafft
- Clive Barker - Jericho
- Clive Barkers Undying
- Clock Tower 3
- Close Combat 2 - A Bridge Too Far
- Clou 2, Der
- Clou, Der
- Club Dead
- Club Football 2005
- Club Penguin - Elite Penguin
- Code of Honor - Die Fremdenlegion
- Code Of Honor 2 - Conspiracy Island
- Code of Honor 3
- Codename Panzers
- Codename Panzers - Phase 2
- Cogito
- Col. Ranseiers Odyssee
- Cold Blood
- Cold Fear
- Cold War Conflicts
- Cold War Crisis
- Colin McRae DIRT 2
- Colin McRae Rally
- Colin McRae Rally 2
- Colin McRae Rally 2.0
- Colin McRae Rally 2005
- Colin McRae Rally 3
- Colin McRae Rally 4
- Colin McRae Rally 4
- Collapse Crunch
- Colonization
- Colony Wars - Red Sun
- Colony Wars - Vengeance
- Comanche Gold
- Combat
- Combat Chess
- Combat Mission 3 - Afrika Korps
- Comet Busters
- Command & Conquer
- Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot
- Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot
- Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot 3
- Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot 3 Der Aufstand
- Command & Conquer - Generals
- Command & Conquer - Generals Zero Hour
- Command & Conquer - Kanes Rache
- Command & Conquer - Renegade
- Command & Conquer - Stunde Null
- Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun
- Command & Conquer 2
- Command & Conquer 2 - Ausnahmezustand
- Command & Conquer 3 - Kanes Wrath
- Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars
- Command & Conquer 4 - Alarmstufe Rot 2
- Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight
- Command & Conquer 4 - Yuris Revenge
- Commandos
- Commandos 3 - Destination Berlin
- Commandos Strike Force
- Company of Heroes
- Company of Heroes - Tales of Valor
- Company of Heroes Anthology
- Conan
- Concentration - The Memory Game
- Condemned 2 - Bloodshot
- Conduit, The
- Conflict - Desert Storm
- Conflict - Global Storm
- Conflict Denied Ops
- Conflict Desert Storm 2
- Conquest Earth
- Conquest of Camelot
- Constantine
- Constructor
- Contra
- Contra - Shattered Soldier
- Contra: Legacy Of War
- Cool Boarders
- Cool Boarders 2
- Cool Boarders 3
- Cool Boarders 4
- Cool Spot
- Coraline
- Corporate Machine
- Corvette
- Cossacks - Back to War
- Cossacks - European Wars
- Cossacks - The Art of War
- Cossacks 2
- Cossacks 2 - Battle for Europe
- Cossacks 2 - Napoleonic Wars
- Costume Quest
- Countdown
- Counter Strike
- Courier Crisis
- Cowhunter
- Craft The World
- Crash Bandicoot
- Crash Bandicoot - Fusion
- Crash Bandicoot - Mind over Mutant
- Crash Bandicoot - Mind over Mutant
- Crash Bandicoot 2
- Crash Bandicoot 3
- Crash Bash
- Crash Nitro Kart
- Crash of the Titans
- Crash of the Titans
- Crash Tag Team Racing
- Crash Team Racing
- Crash Time 3
- Crashday
- Crayz Jumper 2
- Crazy Chicken Approaching
- Crazy Factory
- Crazy Gravity
- Crazy Machines - Neues aus dem Labor
- Crazy Machines 2
- Crazy Machines 2 - Neue Herausforderungen
- Crazy Taxi
- Crazy Taxi
- Crazy Taxy
- Creatures
- Creatures 2
- Creatures 3
- Crescendo
- Cricket 2002
- Cricket 2007
- Crime Cities
- Crime Life - Gang Wars
- Crimes of War
- Crimson Sea 2
- Crimson Skies
- Crimson Skies - High Road to Revenge
- Crimsonland
- Critical Blow
- Critical Depth
- Critical Point
- Criticom 2
- Croc
- Croc - Legend Of The Gobbos
- Croc 2
- Cross Roads - Grüne Welle
- Crow City of Angels
- Cruise for a Corpse
- Cruise Line Tycoon - Island Hopping
- Cruise Ship Tycoon
- Crusader Kings
- Crusader of Might and Magic
- Crusader: No Regret
- Crusaders Of Might And Magic
- Crusinn World
- Cryostasis
- Crypt Raider
- Crysis
- Crysis 3
- Crysis Warhead
- Crystal Key 2 - The Far Realm
- CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
- CSI - Eindeutige Beweise
- CSI - NY The Game
- CSI - Tödliche Absichten
- CT Special Forces
- CTU - Marine Sharpshooter
- Cube 2
- Cubemen
- Cue Club
- Cultures
- Cultures - Reise nach Nordland
- Cultures 2
- Cultures 2 - The Gates of Adgard
- Cultures 3 - Northland
- Curse of Enchantia
- Curse of Ra
- Cute Knight
- Cyball Zone
- Cyber-Huhn
- Cyberia
- Cyberia (US)
- Cybermage
- Cybermercs
- Cyberpunks Projekt
- Cybersled
- Cyberspeed
- D-Noid
- D.I.R.T. - Origin of the Species
- D.N.A. - Dark Native Apostle
- D.O.G.
- Da Capo
- Daggerfall Semi
- Daikatana
- Dakar 2
- Dakar 2
- Dakar 2
- Damage Incorporated
- Damnation
- Dance of the Vampires
- Danger Girl
- Dangerous Dave
- Darius Gaiden
- Dark Age of Camelot
- Dark Age of Camelot - Trials of Atlantis
- Dark Angel
- Dark Angel - Vampire Apocalypse
- Dark Apes
- Dark Chronicle
- Dark Cloud
- Dark Cloud 2
- Dark Colony: The Council Wars
- Dark Earth
- Dark Fall
- Dark Heart of Uukrul
- Dark Horizon
- Dark Legions
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
- Dark Omen
- Dark Project - Der Meisterdieb
- Dark Project 2 - The Metal Age
- Dark Reign 2
- Dark Salvation
- Dark Secrets of Africa
- Dark Souls 2
- Dark Summit
- Dark Sun
- Dark Sun 2
- Dark Sun Online
- Dark Universe
- Dark Void
- Dark Void Zero
- Darkest of Days
- Darklight Conflict
- Darkmere
- Darkness 2
- Darkness, The
- Darkrings
- Darkseed
- Darksiders
- Darksiders
- Darksiders II
- Darkstalkers 3
- Darkstar One
- Darkstone
- Das Alte Ägypten - der rätselhafte Pharao
- Das Ding
- Das Dschungelbuch - Groove Party
- Das fünfte Element
- Das Grab des Pharaos
- Das Schwarze Auge - Drakensang
- Das Schwarze Auge 1
- Das Schwarze Auge 2
- Das Schwarze Auge 3
- Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
- Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
- Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
- David Beckham Soccer
- David Beckham Soccer
- Dawn of War
- Dawning Centuries
- Day of the Tentacle
- Day of the Zombie
- Days of Oblivion
- Days of Thunder
- Dead Block
- Dead Island
- Dead Island - Riptide
- Dead Island Bloodbath Arena
- Dead Mans Hand
- Dead or Alive
- Dead or Alive
- Dead or Alive 2
- Dead or Alive 3
- Dead or Alive 4
- Dead Reckoning
- Dead Rising 2
- Dead Rising 3
- Dead Space
- Dead Space
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Dead Space 3
- Dead to Rights
- Deadfall Adventures
- Deadhunt
- Deadly Dozen 2
- Deadly Skies
- Deadpool
- Death Illustrated
- Death in the Caribbean
- Death Knights of Krynn
- Death Mask
- Death Road
- Death to Spies - Moment of Truth
- Deathmask
- Deathrow
- Deathtrap Dungeon
- Deathtrap Dungeon
- Deep Fighter
- Deer Avenger
- Deer Hunter 2004
- Deer Hunter 2005
- Deer Hunter 3
- Def Jam - Fight For NY
- Def Jam - Icon
- Defcon 5
- Defender of the Crown
- Defense Grid - The Awakening
- Delaware St. John - Das Haus der Toten
- Delaware St. John - Die Stadt der Toten
- Delta Force
- Delta Force - Black Hawk Down
- Delta Force - Task Force Dagger
- Delta Force Xtreme 2
- Demolition Company - Der Abbruch-Simulator
- Demolition Racer
- Demon Spawn Akuma
- Depth Hunter
- Depths of Peril
- Der Pate
- Der Pate
- Der Pate 2
- Der Schatzplanet
- Descent
- Descent 2
- Descent 2
- Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
- Desperados
- Desperados 2 - Coopers Revenge
- Desperate Housewives
- Destroy All Humans
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon
- Destruction Derby
- Destruction Derby 2
- Destruction Derby 2 (PAL + NTSC)
- Destruction Derby Arena
- Deth Karz
- Deus Ex
- Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution
- DeusEx – Invisible War
- Devastation
- Deviens Miss France
- Devil May Cry
- Devil May Cry
- Devil May Cry 2
- Devil May Cry 4
- Devil May Cry 4
- Devil Whiskey
- DGeneration
- Diablo
- Diablo
- Diablo 2
- Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction
- Diablo 3
- Die 24 Stunden von LeMans
- Die Abenteuer von Valdo und Marie
- Die by the Sword
- Die Hard - Vendetta
- Die Hard Trilogy 2
- Die Hard Vendetta
- Die Hard Vendetta
- Die Mumie
- Die Schlümpfe
- Die Sims
- Die Sims - Hokus Pokus
- Die Unglaublichen und die Rückkehr des Tunnelgräbe
- Digger 2.0
- Diggers
- Digging Jim
- Digimon Racing
- Digimon Rumble Arena
- Digimon Rumble Arena
- Digimon World 3
- Digimon World 4
- Dime City
- Dimensity
- Dimos Quest
- Ding, Das
- Dink Smallwood
- Dino Crisis
- Dino Crisis
- Dino Run
- Dinosaur King
- Dirt Track Racing 2
- Disciples
- Disciples 2 - Dark Prophecy
- Disciples 2 - Guardians Of The Light
- Disciples 2 - Rise of the Elves
- Disciples 3 - Rensaissance
- Disciples 3 - Resurrection
- Discworld
- Discworld
- Disgaea 3 - Absence of Justice
- Dishonored - Die Maske des Zorns
- Dissidia - Final Fantasy
- Diver - Deep Water Adventures
- Divine Desteny
- Divine Divinity
- Divinity 2
- Doctor Who
- Dodger
- Dolphin Slots
- Doodle
- Doom 3
- Doom the Roguelike
- Dot Vally
- DOTA 2
- Double Switch
- Douglas Adams - Raumschiff Titanic
- Dr. Dragos Madcap Chase
- Dr. Franken
- Dr. Goo 2
- Dr. Goo 3
- Dr. Lunatic
- Dr. Mario
- Dr. Muto
- Dr. Muto
- Dracula II - Die Letzte Zufluchtsstätte
- Dragon Age 2
- Dragon Age 3 - Inquisition
- Dragon Age Origins
- Dragon Age Origins - Return to Ostagar
- Dragon Ball
- Dragon Ball Saga EX
- Dragon Ball Z - Budokai
- Dragon Ball Z - Budokai
- Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2
- Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors
- Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warrior
- Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22
- Dragon Jumper
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Knight IV
- Dragon Lore
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Dragon Skulle
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon Star
- Dragon Wars
- Dragonfarm
- Dragonheart
- Drakan - Order of the Flame
- Drakan - The Ancients Gates
- Drakengard
- Drakensang - Am Fluss der Zeit
- Drift - When Worlds Collide
- Drift King
- Driv3r
- Driven
- Driver
- Driver
- Driver 2
- Driver 3
- Driver Parallel Lines
- DroneZ
- Dropship
- Druid - Daemons of the Minds
- Drver 3
- Dschump
- DTM Race Driver
- DTM Race Driver
- DTM Race Driver
- DTM Race Driver 3
- Ducati World
- Ducati World Racing Challenge
- Duck Tales
- Duckman - The Legend of The Fall
- Duke Nukem - Land of the Babes
- Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project
- Duke Nukem 3D
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Dune
- Dune 2 - The Battle for Arrakis
- Dune 2000
- Dunes of War
- Dungeon Defenders
- Dungeon Explorer
- Dungeon Hack
- Dungeon Keeper 2
- Dungeon Lords
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Scroll
- Dungeon Siege
- Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna
- Dungeon Siege 2
- Dungeon Siege 2 - Broken World
- Dungeons & Dragons Heroes
- Dungeons & Dragons Heroes
- Dungeons of Dredmor
- Dunjax
- Dust - An Elysian Tail
- Dweebs 2 - The New Breed
- Dweebs World
- DX-Ball
- Dynablaster
- Dynamite Headdy
- Dynasty Warriors
- Dynasty Warriors 2
- Dynasty Warriors 3 - Xtreme Legends
- Dynasty Warriors 6
- Dynasty Warriors 7
- Dönermafia
- EA Monopoly
- Eagle One
- Earl Weaver Baseball
- Earth 2150
- Earth 2150 - Lost Souls
- Earth 2150 - The Moon Project
- Earth 2160
- Earthrise
- Earthworm Jim
- Echo Night 2
- Eco Quest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest
- Ecstatica
- ECW Hardcore Revolution
- Edelweiss
- Eggo Mania
- Egyptian Prophecy, The
- Ehrgeiz
- Eight Legged Freaks
- Eisadler-Jagd
- Eishockey Manager
- Eishockey Manager 2005
- Eishockey Manager 2009
- El Matador
- Elder Scrolls - Redguard
- Elder Scrolls III - Bloodmoon
- Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
- Electronic Popple
- Elemental Gearbolt
- Elements
- Eliminator
- Elite Helisquad
- Elven Legacy
- Elveon
- Elvira - Mistress of Dark
- Emergency
- Emergency 2
- Emergency 2012
- Emergency 2013
- Emergency 3
- Emergency 4
- Emergency 4 (Deluxe Edition)
- Emergency Fire Response
- Emergency Room
- Emergency Room 2
- Emperor - Battle for Dune
- Emperor - Rise of the Middle Kingdom
- Empire - Total War
- Empire 2 - The Art Of War
- Empire Earth
- Empire Earth - Art of Conquest
- Empire Earth 2
- Empire Earth 2 - The Art of Supremacy
- Empire Earth 3
- Empire Of Magic
- Empire of the Ants
- Enchantasy Quest for the Eternal Grimoire
- Enclave
- Enclave
- Enemy Engaged 2
- Enemy Infestation
- Enemy Territory - Quake Wars
- Enigma - Rising Tide
- Enslaved - Odyssey to the West
- Entente - World War I Battlefields
- Enter the Matrix
- Enter the Matrix
- Entrepreneur
- Equestriad 2001
- Eradicator
- Eragon
- Erben der Erde
- Erevos
- Erotic Empire
- Erste Kaiser, Der
- Escape from Paradise City
- Escape Velocity - Nova
- Esoteria
- Eternal Karma
- Eternal Legends
- Eternal Sonata
- Eternal War
- Etherlords
- Etherlords 2
- Euro Truck Simulator
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Europa Universalis 2
- Europa Universalis 3
- Eve Of Extinction
- Even More Incredible Machine, The
- Everquest
- Every Party
- Everybody's Golf
- Everybodys Golf
- Evil Dead - Hall to the King
- Evil Genius
- Evil Island
- Evil Twin
- Evil Twin
- Evoland
- Evolva
- Excite Truck
- Exile
- Exile Escape From the Pit
- Exolon
- Expeditions - Conquistador
- Expeditions - Viking
- Expendable
- eXperience112
- Explodemon
- Explosive Racing
- Extermination
- Extreme Assault
- Extreme Condition
- Extreme G 3 Racing
- Extreme Paintbrawl
- Extreme Paintbrawl 4
- Extreme Speedway Challenge
- Eye Divine Cybermancy
- Eye Of The Beholder
- F-22 Raptor
- F.A. Premier League Stars
- F.B.I. Hopkins
- F.E.A.R.
- F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
- F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
- F/A 18: Operation Desert Storm
- F1 2000
- F1 2001
- F1 2002
- F1 2013
- F1 Manager 96
- F1 Racing Championship
- F1 Racing Championship
- Fable
- Fable
- Fable 2
- Faces of War
- Factory Mogul
- Fade to Black
- Fahrenheit
- Fairyland
- Falcon - Operation Infinite Resolve
- Fall - Last Days of Gaia, The
- Fallen Haven
- Fallout
- Fallout - New Vegas
- Fallout 3
- Fallout 3
- Fallout 4
- Fallout Tactics - Brotherhood of Steel
- Family Guy
- Fantasia Sango 3
- Fantastic 4
- Fantastic Dizzy
- Fantasy Empire
- Fantasy Wars
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- Fantavision
- Far Cry
- Far Cry 2
- Far Cry 2
- Far Cry 2
- Far Cry 3
- Far Cry 4
- Far Cry 6
- Far Cry Instincts Predator
- Far Cry Instincts Predator
- Far West
- Farm Frenzy
- Farm Frenzy 2
- Farm Frenzy Deluxe
- Farscape
- Fast Food Empire
- Fastlane Carnage
- Fatal Abyss
- Fatal Frame
- Fatal Racing
- Fate - Undiscovered Realms
- Fate of Hellas - Die Schlacht um Griechenland
- Fate of the Dragon
- Fate, The
- Fear Effect
- Felix
- Fessie
- Feuerwache - Mission Leben retten
- Field and Stream Trophy Hunting
- Fieldrunners
- FIFA 06
- FIFA 07
- Fifa 07
- FIFA 08
- FIFA 09
- FIFA 12
- FIFA 13
- FIFA 1999
- FIFA 2000
- FIFA 2001
- FIFA 2002
- FIFA 2002
- FIFA 2002
- FIFA 2003
- FIFA 2003
- FIFA 2003
- FIFA 2003
- FIFA 99
- FIFA Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2006
- Fifa Soccer 98
- Fifa Soccer Manager
- Fight Night 2004
- Fight Night 2004
- Fight Night Round 3
- Fight Night Round 4
- Fighters Anthology
- Film Maker Millenium
- Final Doom
- Final Fantasy 7
- Final Fantasy 7
- Final Fantasy 8
- Final Fantasy 8
- Final Fantasy 9
- Final Fantasy 9
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Fantasy Tactics - The War of the Lions
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy XI
- Final Fantasy XII
- Find the Way
- Findet Nemo
- Findet Nemo
- Finding Nemo
- Fire Department
- Fire Department 2
- Fire Department 3
- Firo & Klawd
- Flash Trek - Broken Mirror
- Flashback 2013
- Flatout
- FlatOut 2
- Flatout 2
- Flatout 2
- FlatOut Ultimate Carnage
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Flight Unlimited 2
- Floor 13
- Fluch der Karibik
- Fluch der Karibik
- Flughafenmanager
- Fly Chaser
- Fly or Die
- Flying Corps Gold
- Football Manager 2009
- For the Glory - A Europa Universalis Game
- Forbidden Siren
- Forbidden Siren 2
- Ford Racing
- Ford Racing 3
- Formel 1 97
- Formel 1 98
- Formel 1 99
- Formula Karts
- Forsaken
- Forsaken
- Fortix
- Fortress of Dr. Radiaki
- Fortunes of War
- Forza Motorsport
- Fowl Words 2
- Frankreich 98
- Frankreich 98
- Frantix
- Freaky Flyers
- Freaky Flyers
- Free Enterprise
- Free Running
- Freedom - First Resistance
- Freedom Fighters
- Freedom Force
- Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
- Freekstyle
- Freelancer
- Freespace
- Freespace 2
- Frenzy
- FrisörManager 2008
- From Dust
- From Dust
- Frontline Attack - War over Europe
- Frontlines - Fuel of War
- Frontlines - Fuel of War
- Frontschweine
- Frontschweine
- Fruit Battle
- Fruit Land
- Fuel
- Fugger 2
- Fuji Golf
- Full Spectrum Warrior
- Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers
- Full Throttle
- Funk Flitzer
- Fussball Live
- Fussball Live 2
- Fussball Manager 2002
- Fussball Manager 2003
- Fussball Manager 2004
- Fussball Manager 2004
- Fussball Manager 2005
- Fussball Manager 2006
- Fussball Manager 2007
- Fussball Manager 2007 - Verlängerung
- Fussball Manager 2009
- Fussball Manager 2010
- Futurama
- Future Cop - LAPD
- Future Cop L.A.P.D.
- Future Dimension
- Future Tactics - The Uprising
- Fuzion Frenzy
- Fünfte Element
- G-Darius
- G-Police
- G-Police 2
- G.I. JOE - The Rise of Cobra
- Gabriel Knight 3
- Gadget Trial
- Gaika no Gouhou - Air Land Force
- Galactic Civilizations
- Galactic Civilizations 2 - Dread Lords
- Galactic Dream - Rage of War
- Galaxy Invaders
- Galaxy Racer
- Game Net & Match
- Game Tycoon
- Gamecube Konsole
- GameDuell
- Gamma Bros
- Gangland
- Gangsters
- Gangsters 2
- Ganguro Girl
- Garfield - The Search For Pooky
- Garters and Ghouls
- Gateway
- Gauntlet Legends
- Gauntlet Legends
- GearGrinder
- Gearheads
- Geekwad
- Gefeuert - Dein letzter Tag
- Geheimakte 2 - Puritas Cordis
- Geheimakte Tunguska
- Geheimakte Tunguska
- Geheimnis der Druiden
- Gekido
- Gemini Wing
- Geneforge 2
- Genius - Unternehmen Physik
- Genius Task Force Biologie
- Genius Unternehmen Physik
- Genocide
- Geometry Wars
- Geometry Wars - Retro Evolved
- German Lowriders
- Germanys Next Topmodel 2009
- Getawax - Black Monday
- Getaway, The
- Gex
- Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko
- Gex 3D - Enter The Gecko
- Ghost 2
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost Master
- Ghost Recon
- Ghost Recon - Desert Siege
- Ghost Recon - Island Thunder
- Ghost Recon - Island Thunder
- Ghost Recon - Jungle Storm
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
- Ghostbusters
- Gianas Return
- Giants
- Giants - Citizen Kabuto
- Gilde 2
- Gilde 2 - Venedig
- Gilde, Die
- Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance
- Gladiators, The
- Global Conquest
- Global Defense Network
- Global Operations
- Glory of the Roman Empire
- Glover
- Gniffel
- Gnome Smashing
- Goblins 2
- Goblins 3
- God of War
- God Of War - Herausforderung der Götter
- God of War 2
- GODS - Lands of Infinity
- Gods and Generals
- Godzilla - Unleashed
- Gold Town
- Golden Compass, The
- Golden Eye 007
- Golden Triangle
- Goldfisch
- Goldrunner
- Golf Resort Tycoon 2
- Gorasul - Das Vermächtnis des Drachen
- Gorky 17
- Gorky Zero
- Gotcha!
- Gothic
- Gothic 2
- Gothic 2 - Die Nacht des Raben
- Gothic 3
- Gothic 3 - Götterdämmerung
- Gran Turismo 3
- Gran Turismo 3 A-spec
- Gran Turismo 3: A-spec
- Gran Turismo 4
- Grand Prix 3
- Grand Prix 4
- Grand Prix Legends
- Grand Theft Auto
- Grand Theft Auto
- Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories
- Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories
- Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas
- Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas
- Grand Theft Auto 2
- Grand Theft Auto 2
- Grand Theft Auto 2
- Grand Theft Auto 3
- Grand Theft Auto 3
- Grand Theft Auto 3
- Grand Theft Auto 4
- Grand Theft Auto 4 - The Lost and Damned
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Grand Theft Auto IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony
- Grand Theft Auto London 1969
- Grand Theft Auto Vice City
- Grand Theft Auto Vice City
- Grand Theft Auto Vice City
- Grand Touring
- Grand Turismo
- Grandia
- Grandia Extreme
- Granstream Saga
- Gravity Force
- Great Battles Of Rome
- Great Indian Quest
- Greed
- Grenzpatrouille - Die Simulation
- Gretzky NHL 2005
- Grid
- Grim Fandango
- Grind Session
- GripShift
- Ground Control
- Ground Control 2 - Operation Exodus
- Große Ausbruch, Der
- GSG9 - Anti Terror Force
- GT Legends
- GTR - FIA GT Racing Game
- Guild Wars
- Guilty
- Guilty Gear X
- Guitar Hero - On Tour - Modern Hits
- Guitar Hero 5
- Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock
- Gun
- Gun
- Gun
- Gunbound
- Gundam Musou
- Gunfighter - The Legend Of Jesse James
- Gungrave
- Gunmetal
- Gunstorm II Starvixen
- GunValkyrie
- Gurumin
- H2O
- Hacker Evolution
- Haegar
- Haegemonia
- Haegemonia - Legions Of Iron
- Haegemonia - The Solon Heritage
- Half Life - Natural Selection
- Half-Life
- Half-Life
- Half-Life 2
- Half-Life Blue Shift
- Half-Life Day of Defeat
- Half-Life Opposing Force
- Half-Life Team Fortress Classic
- Halloween Harry
- Halo
- Halo
- Halo 2
- Halo 3
- Hammer and Sickle
- Hammer und Sichel
- Hammer-A-GoGo
- Hamsterball
- Hamsters
- Hannah Montana
- Hanse
- Happiness! Relax
- Happyland Adventures - Xmas Edition
- Happyland Adventures Xmas Edition
- Hard Reset
- Hard To Be A God
- Hard Truck
- Hardline
- Harley Davidson Race across America
- Harry Potter - Der Stein der Weisen
- Harry Potter - Quidditch Weltmeisterschaft
- Harry Potter - Quidditch Weltmeisterschaft
- Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer
- Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch
- Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch
- Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz
- Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen
- Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens
- Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens
- Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens
- Harvest Moon
- Harvest Moon - Island of Happiness
- Harvest Moon - Tree of Tranquility
- Harvest Moon DS
- Harvest of Souls
- Harvester
- Hattrick Classics
- Haunted Hells Reach
- Have a N.I.C.E. day
- Hazen - The Dark Whispers
- Heart of Darkness
- Heart of Darkness
- Hearts of Iron
- Hearts Of Iron 2
- Hearts of Iron 2 - Doomsday
- Hearts of Iron 3
- Heatseeker
- Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2
- Heimdall
- Helbreath
- Heli Bob
- Heli Heroes
- HeliBob XL
- Helicopter Attack 3
- Helicopter Mission
- Hell Forces
- Hell in Vietnam
- Helldorado
- Hellgate - London
- Hercules
- Hercules
- Herdy Gerdy
- Heretic
- Heretic 2
- Heroes Chronicles
- Heroes of Annihilated Empires
- Heroes of Might and Magic
- Heroes of Might and Magic 2
- Heroes of Might and Magic 3
- Heroes of Might and Magic 4
- Heroes of Might and Magic 4 - The Gathering Storm
- Heroes of Might and Magic 5
- Heroes of Might and Magic 6
- Heroes of the Pacific
- Herr der Ringe - Das dritte Zeitalter
- Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten
- Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs
- Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs
- Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs
- Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs
- Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme
- Herr der Ringe - Schlacht um Mittelerde
- Herr der Ringe - Schlacht um Mittelerde 2
- Herrscher der Meere
- Hexen
- Hi-Octane
- Hidden & Dangerous 2
- Hidden and Dangerous 2 - Sabre Squadron
- Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe Edition
- Hidden Island
- Hiebe für Diebe
- High Seas Trader
- Highland Warriors
- Highway Pursuit
- Hind
- Hired Guns - Jagged Edge
- History Channel Civil War 2006
- History Channel Lost Worlds
- History Line 1914-1918
- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
- Hitman - Absolution
- Hitman - Blood Money
- Hitman - Blood Money
- Hitman - Contracts
- Hitman - Contracts
- Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin
- Hitman 3 - Contracts
- Hitman: Codename 47
- Hobbit, The
- Hocus Pocus
- Holiday World
- Homefront
- Homeworld
- Homeworld - Cataclysm
- Homeworld 2
- Honky Tonky
- Hoosier City - Assault Of The Orcs
- Horde
- Horror Zombies from the Crypt
- Hospital Tycoon
- Hostage Takers
- Hot Rod - Garage to Glory
- Hot Rod American Street Drag
- Hot Shots Golf 2
- Hot Wheels - Highway 35 World Race
- Hot Wheels - Turbo Racing
- Hot Wheels - World Race
- Hot Wheels Extreme Racing
- Hot Wheels Stunt Driver
- Hot Wheels Velocity X
- Hotel Giant
- Hotel Gigant
- House of the Dead 3
- Howrse
- Hugo - Diamantenfieber
- Hugo im Diamantenfieber
- Hulk
- Hulk
- Humans III - Evolution Lost in Time
- Humble Bee
- Hunter: The Reckoning
- Hunting Unlimited 2010
- Hunting Unlimited 3
- Hunting Unlimited 4
- Hurrican
- Hydra Optin
- HyperBall
- Höhlenwelt
- I am Alive
- I of the Dragon
- I Was An Atomic Mutant
- Ice Age 2
- Ice Age 2 - Jetzt tauts
- Ice Age 3
- IceWind Dale
- Icewind Dale - Herz des Winters
- IceWind Dale 2
- Icy Tower
- IGI 2 - Covert Strike
- IL2-Sturmovik
- Im Schatten der Macht
- Immortal
- Impact
- Imperial Glory
- Imperialism 2
- Imperialismus
- Imperium der Ameisen
- Imperium Galactica II - Alliances
- Imperium Romanum
- Imperium Romanum - Emperor
- Impossible Creatures
- In 80 Tagen um die Welt
- In einem Land vor unserer Zeit
- In the Groove
- In-Fisherman Freshwater Trophies
- Inca - The last grand Inca
- Inca 2 - Wiracocha
- Incoming
- Incoming Forces
- Incredible Machine, The
- Incredibles
- Independence Day
- Independence War
- Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Indiana Jones und die Kaisergruft
- Indiana Jones und die Kaisergruft
- Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft
- Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft
- Indianapolis 500
- Industrial Nation
- Industriegigant
- Industriegigant 2
- Industriegigant 2 - 1980-2020 Addon
- Indy 500
- IndyCar Series
- IndyCar Series
- Inferior
- Infernal
- Infestation
- Inquisition
- Insane
- Insane 2
- Insolvenz Tycoon
- Instinct
- International Superstar Soccer 3
- International Superstar Soccer Pro 98
- International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution
- Interphase
- Interpose
- Interstate 76 Nitro Raiders
- Invasion Deutschland
- Invisible, Inc
- IQ-Marathon
- Iron Man
- Iron Man
- Iron Storm
- Island of Mystery Adventure
- Island Tribe 3
- Isnogud
- Iznogoud
- Jack Nicklaus 4
- Jack Nicklaus 5
- Jack Orlando
- Jackie Chan - Stuntmaster
- Jade Cocoon 2
- Jade Empire - Special Edition
- Jagd auf den Roten Baron 2
- Jagged Alliance - Back In Action
- Jagged Alliance - Deadly Games
- Jagged Alliance 2
- James Bond - Quantum of Solace
- James Bond 007 - Agent im ...
- James Bond 007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer
- James Bond 007 - Der Morgen stirbt nie
- James Bond 007 - NightFire
- Jammit
- Janes 688(I) Hunter/Killer
- Janes USAF
- Jardinains
- Jaws Unleashed
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2
- Jeanne DArc
- Jedi Knight
- Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith
- Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
- Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy
- Jeff Gordon XS Racing
- Jeremy McGrath Supercross
- Jeremy McGrath Supercross World
- Jet Moto 3
- Jet Set Radio Future
- Jet Strike
- Jetboat Superchamps
- Jetpack
- Jets'N'Guns
- Jewel Master
- Jewel Master - Cradle of Rome
- Jewel Match 2
- JFK Reloaded
- Jim Power
- Jimmy Whites Whirlwind Snooker
- John Sinclair - Evil Attacks
- Johnny Bazookatone
- Johnny Herberts Grand Prix
- Joint Operations
- Joint Strike Fighter
- Joint Task Force
- Judge Dredd - Dredd vs. Death
- Juiced
- Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights
- Juicy Town
- Jules Verne - Geheimnis der Nautilus
- Jumper - Griffins Story
- Jumping Flash
- Jungle Strike
- Jurassic Park
- Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis
- Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis
- Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis
- Jurassic War
- Jurrasic Park - Project Genesis
- Just Cause
- Just Cause 2
- Justice League Heroes
- Justice League Heroes
- K-Hawk
- Kabuki Warriors
- Kabus 22
- Kaeon
- Kage Densetsu - The Legend of Kage 2
- Kaiser
- Kamen Rider Kabuto
- Kane & Lynch 2 - Dog Days
- Kango Shicyauzo 2
- Kao the Kangaroo
- Kaptain Konflict
- Karate Kid 2
- Karateka
- Karomatix
- KaRoo
- Katharsis
- Katrix
- Keen Dreams
- Keepsake
- Kennys Adventure
- Kens Labyrinth
- Kensei - Sacred Fist
- Kicker 2
- Kicker Fussballmanager
- Kicker Manager 2004
- Kid
- Kid Icarus
- Kids of Karendow
- Kill Switch
- Killer 7
- Killer Ball
- Killer Loop
- Killer Loop
- Killing Floor
- KillingFloor
- Kim Possible - Kimmunicator
- Kinder des Nils
- King Arthur - The Roleplaying Wargame
- King Arthur 2
- King Kong (Peter Jackson)
- King of the Beach
- King of the Hill
- King of the Roads
- Kingdom Come Deliverance
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom of Paradise
- Kingdom Under Fire
- Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
- Kingpin - Life of Crime
- Kings and Myths - Age Collection
- Kings Bounty - The Legend
- Kings Bounty - Warriors of the North
- Kings Quest - Mask of Eternity
- KISS Psycho Circus
- Kitten Sanctuary
- KKND 2
- Klaymen Klaymen
- Klingon Honor Guard
- Knight Online
- Knight Rider
- Knightmare (2002)
- Knights & Merchants
- Knights & Merchants - Peasants Rebellion
- Knights - Learn To Fly
- Knights of Honor
- Knights of the Sky
- Knights of the Temple - Infernal Crusade
- Knights Of The Temple 2
- Knights of the Temple II
- Knightshift
- Knugg Rally
- Kohan 2 - Kings of the War
- Kohan Battles of Ahriman
- Kohan Immortal Sovereigns
- Kommissar Kugelblitz - Vermisst am Mississippi
- Kong - King of Atlantis
- Korea Forgotten Conflict
- Koudelka
- Krazy Ivan
- Kreed
- Kula World
- Kult - Heretic Kingdoms
- Kult Heretic Kingdoms
- Kung Fu Panda
- Kung Fu Panda
- Kye
- Käfer total
- König der Löwen Simbas Abenteuer
- Könige der Wellen
- L.A. Rush
- La-Mulana
- Laby
- Labyrinth of Light
- Labyrinth X
- Lamers
- Land of the Dead - Road to Fiddlers Green
- Lands of Lore 2
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2009
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2011
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2013
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2017
- Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
- Largo Winch
- Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat
- Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat
- Laser Age Gold
- Last of the Free
- Law & Order - Justice Is Served
- Lawn Mower
- Le Mans 24 Stunden
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Left 4 Dead
- Legacy of Kain - Defiance
- Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver
- Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2
- Legacy of Time
- Legend of Aladdin
- Legend of Dragoon, The
- Legend of Lotus Spring
- Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass
- Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess
- Legendary - The Box
- Legends of The Warrior
- Legends Of Wrestling
- Legends Of Wrestling
- Legends of Wrestling
- Legends of Wrestling 2
- Lego - Harry Potter
- Lego Batman
- Lego Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes
- Lego Bricktopia
- Lego City Undercover - The Chase Begins
- Lego Harry Potter - Die Jahre 5-7
- Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures
- LEGO Indiana Jones 2
- Lego Indiana Jones 2 - Die neuen Abenteuer
- Lego Insel
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- LEGO Marvels Avengers
- Lego Racers
- Lego Racers
- Lego Racers 2
- Lego Rock Raiders
- Lego Star Wars
- LEGO Star Wars - Quest for R2-D
- Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga
- Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga
- LEGO Star Wars - The Orginal Trigoly
- Lego Star Wars 2
- LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
- Lego Stunt Rally
- Leisure Suit - Larry Magna Cum Laude
- Lemmings 3D
- Lemmings Oh no more Lemmings
- Lemmings Paintball
- Lethal Weapon
- Let´s Meow Meow!
- LHX Attack Chopper
- Liberation Day
- Libero Grande
- Lichdom Battlemage
- Lifeforce Tenka
- Lifeline
- Light Corridor
- Lightweight Ninja
- Line of Sight
- Line Of Sight - Vietnam
- Links 2001
- Lion King
- Lionheart
- Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsens Odyssey
- Little Bombers Returns
- Little Fighter 2
- LKW-Raser 2
- LMA Manager 2003
- LMA Manager 2004
- LMA-Manager
- Loadrunner
- Loco Mania
- LocoMania
- Locomotion
- LocoRoco
- Logical
- Logodice
- Loki - Im Bannkreis der Götter
- Lollypop
- Lomax Boulders 3
- London Taxi Rushour
- Longest Journey
- Looney Tunes Racing
- Loonyland
- Lord of The Jungle
- Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
- Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
- Lord of the Rings - War in the North
- Lords of EverQuest
- Lords of Football
- Lords of Magic
- Lords Of The Fallen
- Lost - Das Spiel
- Lost City of Z
- Lost Empire - Immortals
- Lost in Time
- Lost Planet - Colonies
- Lost Planet - Extreme Condition
- Lost Vikings
- Lost Vikings 2
- Lotus Challenge
- Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge
- Lucky Luke
- Lugaru
- Lula 3D
- Luxor 2
- M.A.X.
- M.A.X. 2
- Maabus
- Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
- Machiavelli the Prince
- Macross Ace Frontier
- Mad Dash Racing
- Mad Mac
- Mad Mac 2
- Mad News
- Mad Space
- Mad Tracks
- Madagascar 2
- Madden 2001
- Madden 99
- Madden NFL 06
- Madden NFL 07
- Madden NFL 07
- Madden NFL 07
- Madden NFL 2001
- Madden NFL 2003
- Madden NFL 2005
- Madden NFL 2006
- Madden NFL 2007
- Madden NFL 98
- Madness Interactive
- Maelstrom
- Mafia
- Mafia 2
- Mafia 3
- Mafia Contract Killer - Antikiller
- Mage Knight - Apocalypse
- Magic - The Gathering
- Magic Carpet
- Magic Marbles
- Magic Marple
- Magic Pockets
- Magic Theatre
- Magicka
- Mahjong Master
- Majesty
- Majesty - The Northern Expansion
- Major League Baseball 2K6
- Major League Baseball 2K6
- Major League Baseball 2K7
- Major League Eating - The Game
- Mall Tycoon
- Mall Tycoon 3
- Manhunt
- Manhunt 2
- Manhunt 2
- Manhunter - New York
- Manhunter 2: San Francisco
- Manic Karts
- Maple Story
- Mar Heaven - Arm Fight Dream
- Marbles! Balance Challenge
- Marine Heavy Gunner Vietnam
- Marine Park Empire
- Marine SharpShooter 2 - Jungle Warfare
- Marine Sharpshooter 3
- Marine Sharpshooter 4
- Marine Sharpshooter 4 - Locked and Loaded
- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
- Mario Forever
- Mario Kart DS
- Mario Kart WII
- Mario Party
- Mario Party 4
- Mario Party 5
- Mario Party 8
- Mark of the Ninja
- Mark, The
- Mars To Earth
- Maruni Land Krieg in der Ferne
- Marvel - Ultimate Alliance
- Marvel Super Hero Squad
- Marvel Trading Card Game
- Mass Destruction
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2
- Mass Effect 2 - Kasumi Stolen Memory
- Mass Effect 3
- Master of Orion 2
- Master of Orion 3
- Master Rallye
- Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX
- Matchball Tennis
- Mathica
- Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
- Max Mole 2 - Daddys Secret
- Max Payne
- Max Payne
- Max Payne
- Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne
- Max Payne 3
- Maximus XV Abraham Strong - Space Mercenary
- Mayday - Tag der Entscheidung
- MDK 2
- MDK 2 - Armageddon
- Mean Arenas
- Mean Streets
- Mecha Spyder
- Mechwarrior 3
- Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries
- Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance
- Medal of Honor
- Medal of Honor - Airborne
- Medal of Honor - Allied Assault
- Medal of Honor - Allied Assault Breakthrough
- Medal Of Honor - Frontline
- Medal of Honor - Rising Sun
- Medal of Honor - Underground
- Medal of Honor - Vanguard
- Medal of Honor - Warfighter
- Medal of Honor Frontline
- Medi Evil
- Medi Evil 2
- Medicopter 117 2
- Medieval - Total War
- Medieval 2 - Total War
- Medieval Conquest
- Medieval Lords
- Medievil
- Meet The Robinsons
- Mega Man 8
- Mega Man and Bass
- Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Double Team
- Megaman - Battle Network
- Megaman 8
- Megaman X5
- Megamaze
- Megatraveller
- Mein eigener Bauernhof 2
- Mein eigener Hund
- Melty Blood Re-ACT
- Men in Black - Crashdown
- Men in Black II: Alien Escape
- Men of Valour
- Mercedes Benz World Racing
- Mercedes Benz World Racing
- Mercenaries 2
- Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames
- Merchant Prince 2
- Merchants Of Brooklyn
- Messiah
- Metal Arms - Glitch in the System
- Metal Arms - Glitch in the System
- Metal Gear Acid
- Metal Gear Solid
- Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty
- Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots
- Metal Marines
- Metal Slug
- Metal Slug 3
- Metall Marines
- Metro - Last Light
- Metro 2033
- Metroid Prime
- Metropolis Street Racer
- Micro Machines
- Micro Maniacs
- Midnight Club - Street Racing
- Midnight Club 2
- Midnight Club 2
- Midnight Club 2
- Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition
- Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition Remix
- Midnight Nowhere
- Midnight Outlaw - Illegal Street Drag
- Midtown Madness 2
- Midtown Madness 3
- Mig-29 Fulcrum
- Might and Magic 1
- Might and Magic 2
- Might and Magic 3
- Might and Magic 4
- Might and Magic 5
- Might and Magic 6
- Might and Magic 7
- Might and Magic 8
- Might and Magic 9
- Mike Tyson Boxing
- Milben Alarm
- Militato
- Mindlink Hacker 2005
- Mindrover
- Minecraft
- Minecraft Alpha
- Minecraft Dungeons
- Minesweeper
- Minority Report
- Minority Report
- Minority Report
- Mirror's Edge
- Miss Popularity
- Mission - Impossible
- Mission AX9
- Mission DDR
- Mistmare
- Mittelerde / Mordors Schatten
- MLB 08 - The Show
- MLB Power Pros
- MLB SlugFest - Loaded
- Mob Enforcer
- Mob Rule
- Mobile Runner
- Mobility
- Monkey Island 4 Flucht von Monkey Island
- Monkey Island II - LeChucks Revenge
- Monopoly Tycoon
- Monster AG
- Monster Garage
- Monster Hunter Freedom
- Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd
- Monster Hunter World
- Monster Trucks Nitro
- Monsters vs. Aliens
- Monsterville
- Moo Mixery
- Moon Project
- Moonbase
- Moonbase Commander
- Moorfrosch
- Moorhuhn 2
- Moorhuhn 3
- Moorhuhn 3
- Moorhuhn Adventure
- Moorhuhn Atlantis
- Moorhuhn Kart
- Moorhuhn Schatzjäger
- Moorhuhn X
- Moorhuihn im Anflug
- Morrowind (Elder Scrolls III)
- Mort the Chicken
- Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks
- Mortal Kombat X
- Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor
- Mortyr 2
- Motherload
- Moto GP
- Moto GP 14
- Moto Racer 2
- Moto Racer World Tour
- MotoGP 2006
- Motorhead
- MotorStorm
- Mount & Blade - With Fire and Sword
- Mount & Blade Warband
- Movies, The
- Movies, The - Stunts und Spezialeffekte
- Mr Bean
- MS Combat Flight Simulator 3
- MS Flight Simulator 2002
- MTV Music Generator
- MTV Skateboarding
- MTV Skateboarding
- MTV Snowboarding
- Mumie, Die
- Mummy returns, The
- Mummy, The
- Muppet Monster Adventure
- Muppet Race Mania
- Mutant Zone
- MVP Baseball 2003
- MX Superfly
- MX vs ATV Reflex
- MX vs ATV Unleashed
- MX vs. ATV Untamed
- MX vs. ATV Untamed
- MySims Agents
- MySims Kingdom
- Myst IV - Revelation
- Myst V - End of Ages
- Mystery Funhouse
- Mysteryville
- Myth 3
- N (2005)
- N-Gen Racing
- Nancy Drew - Treasure in the Royal Tower
- Napoleon - Total War
- Napoleonic Battles - Campaign Waterloo
- Napoleons Kriege - March of the Eagles
- Naruto - Path of the Ninja
- NASCAR 2000
- Nascar 2005
- NASCAR Heat 2002
- NASCAR Racing Season 2003
- NASCAR Rumble
- NASCAR Thunder 2004
- Nation Red
- Navjet
- Navy Field
- Navy Seals 2 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction
- NBA 2K10
- NBA 2K13
- NBA 2K9
- NBA Ballers
- NBA Ballers - Rebound
- NBA Hangtime
- NBA in the Zone 2000
- NBA Inside Drive 2003
- NBA LIve 07
- NBA Live 08
- NBA Live 2003
- NBA Live 2003
- NBA Live 2003
- NBA Live 2003
- NBA Live 2005
- NBA Live 2006
- NBA Live 2007
- NBA Live 99
- NBA Starting Five
- NBA Street Vol. 2
- NCAA Football 10
- Nebula
- Necromania – Trap Of Darkness
- Necronomicon
- NecroVision
- NecroVision - Lost Company
- Nectaris
- Nectaris
- Need for Speed - Carbon
- Need for Speed - Carbon
- Need for Speed - Carbon
- Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2
- Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2
- Need for Speed - Most Wanted
- Need for Speed - Most Wanted
- Need for Speed - Porsche
- Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed
- Need for Speed - Pro Street
- Need for Speed - Pro Street
- Need for Speed - Shift
- Need for Speed - Undercover
- Need for Speed - Undercover
- Need for Speed 2
- Need for Speed 3
- Need for Speed 4
- Need for Speed 5
- Need for Speed Carbon
- Need for Speed Most Wanted
- Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-0-1
- Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0
- Need for Speed ProStreet
- Need for Speed Undercover
- Need for Speed Underground
- Need For Speed Underground
- Need for Speed Underground 2
- Need for Speed Underground 2
- Need for Speed Underground 2
- Neighbours From Hell
- Neighbours From Hell 2 - On Vacation
- Nemesis of the Roman Empire
- NeoPets
- Nerf N-Strike
- NetPanthers X-Mas Revenge
- Neuro Hunter
- Neverend
- Neverwinter Nights
- NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark
- Neverwinter Nights - The Shadow of Undrentide
- Neverwinter Nights 2
- Neverwinter Nights 2 - Mask of the Betrayer
- NeverWinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir
- New Beetle Tracks & Gaps
- New World Order
- New York Scooter
- New York Times Crossword Puzzles
- NFL 2003
- NFL Fever 2004
- NFL GameDay 2000
- NFL Street 2 Unleashed
- NHL 08
- NHL 2000
- NHL 2001
- NHL 2001
- NHL 2002
- NHL 2003
- NHL 2003
- NHL 2003
- NHL 2K10
- NHL 98
- NHL 98
- NHL 99
- NHL Breakaway 98
- NHL Rock The Rink
- Nibiru
- Nice 2
- Nicktoons Racing
- Nicky Boom
- Night Warriors - DarkStalkers Revenge
- Nightmare Creatures
- Nightmare Creatures 2
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Nightshade
- Ninety-Nine Nights
- Ninja - Shadow Of Darkness
- Ninja Blade
- Ninja Gaiden
- Ninja Gaiden 2
- Ninja Ryukenden
- Ninjabread Man
- Nintendogs - Dachshund and Friends
- Nintendogs - Labrador and Friends
- Nitro Royale - Heroines Duel
- NitroFamily
- No Fear Downhill Mountainbiking
- No Mans Land
- No One Lives Forever
- No One Lives Forever - Contract J.A.C.K.
- No One Lives Forever 2
- No Rules - Get Phat
- Noctropolis
- Nocturne
- Nosferatu - Wrath of Malachi, The
- NosTale
- Nova 9
- Nuclear Strike
- Nuclear Strike
- Numen - Contest of Heroes
- NYFD Firefighter
- O.R.B.
- Oben - Up
- Oblivion - The Elder Scrolls IV
- Oblivion - The Elder Scrolls IV
- Obscure
- Obscure
- Obscure 2 from Hydravision
- Obscure II
- Obsidian
- Ocean Trader
- Offensive
- Offroad Adventures
- Oh No! More Lemmings
- Oil Imperium
- Oil Tycoon
- Oldtimer
- Omikron - The Nomad Soul
- One
- One Must Fall 2097
- One Step Beyond
- Oni
- Oni
- Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams
- Onimusha - Warlords
- Onimusha 4
- Operation Blitzsturm
- Operation Flashpoint
- Operation Flashpoint - Dragon Rising
- Operation Flashpoint - Red Hammer
- Operation Flashpoint Resistanc
- Operation Meteorit
- Operation Thunderstorm
- Operation Tiger Hunt
- Operation Wolf
- Operation Wolfsburg
- Operencia - The Stolen Sun
- Opoona
- Opplosing Eggerland
- Option Tuning Car Battle Spec-R
- Orcs must die
- Orcs must die 2
- Osiris
- Ottifanten, Die
- Out of this World
- Outbreakers
- Outcast
- Outdoor Life Sportsmans Challenge
- Outlaw Golf
- Outlaw Volleyball
- Outlaws
- Outpost
- Outwars
- Over the Hedge
- Overboard
- Oxyd
- Oxyd Extra
- P 47
- P-47
- Pac-Man World 2
- PacBoy
- PacDoom III Halloween Party
- Pacific Fighters
- Pacific Gunner
- Pacmania
- Paganitzu
- Painkiller
- Painkiller - Battle out of Hell
- Painkiller - Hell & Damnation
- Painkiller - Recurring Evil
- Painkiller - Redemption
- Pandemonium
- Pandemonium
- Pandemonium 2
- Pandemonium 2
- Pandora - First Contact
- Pang
- Panza Kick Boxing
- Panzer Commander
- Panzer Elite
- Panzer Elite Action
- Panzer General
- Panzer General 3D
- Panzerschlacht
- Paparazzi
- Papyrus
- PaRappa The Rapper 2
- Parappa The Rapper 2
- Paraworld
- Pariah
- Paris-Dakar Rally
- Paris-Dakar Rally
- Parkan 2
- Partners, The
- Partys Breaker - The Queen of Heart 2001
- Pate 2
- Pate 2
- Pate, Der
- Path of Exile
- Path of Neo
- Patrimonium
- Patrizier
- Patrizier 2
- Patrizier 2 - Aufschwung der Hanse
- Patrizier 2 Gold
- Pax Imperia
- Pax Romana
- Pearl Harbor - Zero Hour
- Peggle Nights
- Penny Dreadfuls Sweeney Todd
- Pentax Flashlight
- Penumbra Black Plague
- Penumbra Requiem
- Per. Oxyd
- Perfect Weapon
- Perimeter
- Perimeter 2 - New Earth
- Pete Sampras Extreme Tennis
- Peter Jacksons King Kong
- Peugeot Grand Touring
- Pflanzen gegen Zombies
- PGA Championship Golf 2000
- Phantasy Star Online
- Phantom Brave
- Phantom Crash
- Phantom of Inferno
- Pharao
- Pharao - Kleopatra
- Phobos 99
- Pinball Hall of Fame - The Gottlieb Collection
- Pink Panther
- Pipe Dream
- Pirate Island
- Pirates
- Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat
- Pirates - The Legend Of Black Kat
- Pirates Gold
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Pirates of the Caribbean - Am Ende der Welt
- Pitfall - Die Verlorene Expedition
- Pitfall 3D
- Pizza Connection
- Pizza Syndicate
- Pizzeria
- Planer 1, Der
- Planer 4, Der
- Planet der Affen
- Planet Monsters
- Planet of Death
- Planet of Death (POD)
- Plants vs Zombies
- Plants vs. Zombies
- Plasma Worm
- Platonix
- Platoon
- Platypus
- Platypus 2
- Playskool Puzzles
- Pokemon Battle Revolution
- Pokemon Diamant
- Pokemon Diamond
- Pokemon Emerald
- Pokemon Gelb
- Pokemon Gold
- Pokemon Goldene Edition HeartGold
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Erkundungsteam Himmel
- Pokemon Perle
- Pokemon Platin-Edition
- Pokemon Ranger - Shadows of Almia
- Pokemon Rot
- Pokemon Rubin / Saphir
- Pokemon Silberne Edition SoulSilver
- Police Destruction Street
- Police Quest (SWAT)
- Police Tactical Training
- Police Tactics Imperio
- Political Machine
- Political Machine 2008
- Political Tycoon
- Pong
- Pool of Radiance 2
- PoPoLoCrois
- Port Royale
- Port Royale 2
- Port Royale 3
- Portal Runner
- Poseidon - Herrscher von Atlantis
- Postal 2
- Postal 2 - Apocalypse Weekend
- Postal 2 - Share the Pain
- Postal 3
- Pound of Ground
- Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue
- Power Rangers - Time Force
- Powerboat GT
- Powermonger
- Powerpuff Girls - Chemical X Traction
- Powerslave
- Praetorians
- Premier Manager 09
- Premier Manager 99
- PreVa
- Prey
- Primal Rage
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia - Sands of Time
- Prince of Persia - Warrior Within
- Prince of Persia - Warrior Within
- Prince of Persia - Warrior Within
- Prison Break - The Conspiracy
- Prison Tycoon
- Prison Tycoon 3
- Prison Tycoon 4 - Supermax
- Prisoner of War
- Privateer 2
- Pro Evolution Soccer
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2
- Pro Evolution Soccer 5
- Pro Pinball - The Web
- Pro Rally 2001
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village
- Project - Snowblind
- Project Freedom
- Project Gotham Racing
- Project IGI
- Project Nomads
- Project Paradise
- Project Snowblind
- Project Zero 3
- Prophecy of the Viking Child
- Prototype
- Prototype 2
- Pryzm Chapter One - The Dark Unicorn
- Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy
- Psycho Soldier
- Psychonauts
- Psychotoxic
- Pulleralarm
- Pulsoid
- Punika Oasenspiel
- Punisher
- Pure
- Purge
- Pursuit Force
- Push Over
- Pusher
- Pushy 1
- Putt-Putt - Goes to the Moon
- Putt-Putt - Joins the Circus
- Putt-Putt - Joins the Parade
- Puyo Pop Fever
- Puzzle Hero
- Puzznic
- Pyroblazer
- Q-Billion
- Qin Warriors
- Quadralien
- Quake - Shrak
- Quake 2
- Quake 2X
- Quake 3
- Quake 3 - Revolution
- Quake 4
- Quake 4
- Quake III Arena
- Quantum Redshift
- Quarantine
- Quivering, The
- R-Type Final
- R.I.P.
- R.I.P. Strike Back
- R44Q
- RA Bricks of Egypt
- RA Bugix
- Rache der Sumpfhühner
- Radix
- Radsport Manager 2004/2005
- Radsport Manager Pro - Saison 05/06
- Radsport Manager Pro 2007
- Ragdoll Kung Fu
- Rage
- Rage of Mages
- Rage of Mages 2 - Necromancer
- Rage Racer
- Ragnarok Online
- Raider on the Loose
- Railroad Tycoon
- Railroad Tycoon 2
- Railroad Tycoon 3
- Rails Across America
- Rainbow Six - Lockdown
- Rainbow Six - Raven Shield
- Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear
- Rainbow Six - Vegas
- Rainbow Six 3 - Raven Shield
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
- Rallisport Challenge
- Rallisport Challenge
- Rallisport Challenge 2
- Rally Championship 2000
- Rally Championship Extreme
- Rally Cross 2
- Rally de Africa
- Ralph Reichts
- Rampage - Total Destruction
- Rampage Through Time
- Rampart
- Rapala Tournament Fishing
- Rascal
- Ratchet & Clank 2
- Ratchet & Clank 3
- Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
- Ratchet - Deadlocked
- Ratchet and Clank - Size Matters
- Raub
- Ravage DCX
- Rayman
- Rayman
- Rayman - Raving Rabbids
- Rayman 2 - The Great Escape
- Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc
- Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc
- Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc
- Rayman Revolution
- RC Revenge Pro
- Re-Volt
- Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2
- Real Madrid - The Game
- Real War
- Real War Rogue State
- Real Warfare 2 - Northern Crusades
- Realm of Hepumia
- Realms of the Haunting
- RealMyst
- Realore Egyptoid
- Rebel Moon Rising
- Recettear - An Item Shops Tale
- Recoil
- RecWar
- Red Baron Arcade
- Red Dead Redemption
- Red Faction
- Red Faction - Armageddon
- Red Faction - Guerrilla
- Red Faction 2
- Red Faction 2
- Red Faction Guerilla
- Red Jets
- Red Ocean
- Red Orchestra - Ostfront 41-45
- Red Shark
- Redneck
- Reeder, Der
- Reflexive Bricks of Egypt 2
- Regiment, The
- Reign Of Fire
- Remember Me
- Rent A Hero
- Requital
- Requital - Revenge of a Hero
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil - Code Veronica X
- Resident Evil - Dead Aim
- Resident Evil - Revelations
- Resident Evil - Survivor 2
- Resident Evil - The Umbrella Chronicles
- Resident Evil 3
- Resident Evil 3
- Resident Evil 4
- Resident Evil 4
- Resident Evil 6
- Resident Evil 7
- Resident Evil D.C.
- Resistance - Retribution
- Restaurant Empire
- Restaurant Empire 2
- Restricted Area
- Return Fire
- Return Fire 2
- Return of the Razor
- Return To Castle Wolfenstein
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Return To Mysterious Island
- Return to Zork
- ReUnion - The Humans
- Reus
- Revelation
- Revolution
- Richard Burns Rally
- Rick Dangerous 2
- Ricochet Infinity
- Ricochet Lost Worlds
- Ricochet Lost Worlds Recharged
- Ridge Racer Type 4
- Ridge Racer Unbounded
- RIM - Battle Planets
- RIP - Hells Army
- RIP - The Last Hero
- Rise and Fall - Civilizations at War
- Rise of Nations
- Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots
- Rise of the Argonauts
- Risen
- Risen 2
- Risen 3 - Titan Lords
- Rising Kingdoms
- Risky Woods
- Rival Realms
- Road Rash - Jailbreak
- Road Rash Jailbreak
- Road Wars
- Robin Hood
- Robin Hood - Conquests Of the Longbow
- Robin Hoods Quest
- Robinsons Requiem
- RoboBlitz
- Robocop 1
- Robocop 3
- Robot Arena
- Robot Wars
- Robots Power On!
- Rock Band 2
- Rock Manager
- Rock Revolution
- Rocket Knight
- Rocket Mission
- Rockfall
- Rockfall - The Return
- Rocky
- Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter
- Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 2
- Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3
- Rogue Ops
- Rogue Warrior
- Rollcage
- Rollcage - Stage 2
- RollCage - Stage 2
- Rollcage 2
- Roller Coaster Tycoon
- Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
- Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
- Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - Wild
- Rollercoaster Tycoon - Loopy Landscapes
- Rolling Trix
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms X
- Rome - Total War
- Rome - Total War - Barbarian Invasion
- Romolopis
- Ronaldo V-Football
- Rooby Run
- Roogoo
- Rosco Mc Queen
- Rotor
- RoX
- Royal Envoy
- Royal Marines Commando
- RTL Skispringen 2001
- RTL Skispringen 2003
- RTL Skispringen 2003
- RTL Skispringen 2004
- RTL Skispringen 2006
- Ruberduck Attack
- Rubiks Puzzle World
- Rugby League 2
- Rugrats in Paris
- Rugrats Mystery Adventures
- Rumble Racing
- Rumble Roses XX
- Runaway - A Road Adventure
- Rune
- RuneScape
- Rush Down
- Rush for Berlin
- Rush for Berlin - Rush for the Bomb
- Rüsselsheim
- Römer, Die
- S.C.A.R.S.
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky
- Sabotain - Break The Rules
- Saboteur 2
- Saboteur Ninja
- Sacred
- Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel
- Sacred 3
- Sacred Underworld
- Sacrifice
- Saga - Rage of Vikings
- Saints Row
- Saints Row - The Third
- Saints Row 2
- Saints Row 2
- Sakrileg - Da Vinci Code
- Sakrileg - The Da Vinci Code
- Sakrileg - The Da Vinci Code
- Sakura Taisen 4
- Sakura Taisen 4
- Sakura Taisen 4
- Salambo
- Saloon Cars
- Salt Lake 2002
- Salvo
- Sam & Max - Culture Shock
- Sam & Max - Hit the Road
- Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001
- Sammy Suricate im Land der Löwen
- Samorost
- Samorost 2
- Samples of Dust
- Samurai
- Samurai Warriors - State of War
- Samurai Western
- Sanctum 2
- Sanitarium
- SAS - Secure Tomorrow
- SAT.1 Superball
- Saturday Night Speedway
- Sauerbraten (Justice Edition)
- Savage
- Savage Skies
- Savage Warrior
- Scar Wars
- Scarface
- Scarface - The World is Yours
- Schiene & Strasse
- Schiff Simulator 2008
- Schlacht um Troja
- Schleichfahrt
- Schnappi MP3 Player
- School Tycoon
- Scooby-Doo - Nacht der 100 Schrecken
- Scoop, The
- Scorched Planet
- Scorpion - Disfigured
- Scorpion King, The
- Scrapland
- Scrapland
- Scratches
- Scud - Industrial Evolution
- SD Gundam G Generation-F
- SD Gundam G Generation-F
- Seablade
- SeaWorld Adventure Parks Tycoon 2
- Second Chance Heroes
- Second Chance Heroes
- Second Life
- Second Sight
- Secret Maryo Chronicles
- Secret of Evermore
- Secret of Monkey Island, The
- Secret Service (2009)
- Secret Weapons over Normandy
- Section 8
- Section 8 - Prejudice
- Seek and Destroy
- Seelenturm, Der
- Sega Rally
- Sega Rally 2
- SEGA Superstars Tennis
- Sentimental Shooting
- Serf City - Life is Feudal
- Serious Sam
- Serious Sam
- Serious Sam 2
- Serious Sam Gold
- Serious Sam HD
- Serious Sam HD - First Encounter
- Seven Kingdoms
- Seven Kingdoms 2
- Seven Kingdoms Conquest
- Severance: Blade of Darkness
- Shade - Wrath of Angels
- Shade Wrath Of Angels
- Shadow Company
- Shadow Dancer
- Shadow Madness
- Shadow Of Memories
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Shadow Ops - Red Mercury
- Shadow Warrior
- Shadowgate
- Shadowground
- Shadowgrounds
- Shadowman
- Shadowrun Returns
- Shangai Street Racer
- Shanghai Street Racer
- Shank
- Shatter
- Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder
- Shaun White Snowboarding
- ShellShock - Nam 67
- Shellshock 2
- Sherlock Holmes 2 - Der Fall Tätowierte Rose
- Sherlock Holmes 3 - Die Spur der Erwachten
- Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4
- Shin Sangokumusou 6
- Shoot Many Robots
- Shop Lifter
- Shrek
- Shrek der Dritte
- Shrek SuperSlam
- Shrine Circus Tycoon
- Shutter Island
- Sideway - New York
- Siedler - Aufbruch der Kulturen
- Siedler 2
- Siedler 2 - Die nächste Generation
- Siedler 2 - Die nächste Generation - Wikinger
- Siedler 3
- Siedler 3 - Die Amazonen
- Siedler 4
- Siedler 4 - Die Trojaner und das Elixir der Macht
- Siedler 4 – Die Neue Welt
- Siedler 5
- Siedler 5 - Nebelreich
- Siedler 6
- Siedler 7
- Siege of Avalon
- Silent Bomber
- Silent Hill - Homecoming
- Silent Hill - Origins
- Silent Hill - Origins
- Silent Hill - Shattered Memories
- Silent Hill 2
- Silent Hill 2 - Directors Cut
- Silent Hill 3
- Silent Hill 4 - The Room
- Silent Hill 4 - The Room
- Silent Hunter 2
- Silent Hunter 3
- Silent Hunter 5
- Silent Scope
- Silent Scope 2 - Dark Silhouette
- Silent Scope 3
- Silent Storm - Sentinels
- Silpheed - The Lost Planet
- Silver
- Silverfall
- Sim City Creator
- Sim Coaster
- SimCity
- SimCity (2013)
- SimCity 2000
- SimCity 3000
- SimCity 4
- SimCity 4 - Rush Hour
- SimCity Societies
- Simplz - Zoo
- Simpsons - Das Spiel
- Simpsons - Hit & Run
- Simpsons Cartoon Studio
- Simpsons Skateboarding
- Simpsons Wrestling
- Sims - Carnival SnapCity
- Sims - Castaway Stories
- Sims - Hot Date
- Sims - Inselgeschichten
- Sims - Mittelalter
- Sims - Party ohne Ende
- Sims - Tierisch gut drauf
- Sims - Urlaub Total
- Sims 2
- Sims 2 - Free Time
- Sims 2 - Haustiere
- Sims 2 - Nightlife
- Sims 2 - Open for Business
- Sims 2 - Vier Jahreszeiten
- Sims 2 - Wilde Campus-Jahre
- Sims 2, Die
- Sims 3
- Sims 3 - High End Loft Stuff
- Sims 3 - World Adventures
- Sims 4
- Sims, Die
- Sims, The
- Sims, The
- SimSafari
- Sin Episodes Emergence
- Singles - Flirt up your life
- Singles 2
- Singles 2 - Wilde Zeiten
- Singularity
- Sink or Swim
- Sins of a Solar Empire
- Sins of a Solar Empire - Entrenchment
- Skaphander
- Skateboard Park Tycoon 2004
- Ski Park Manager
- Ski Ressort Exreme
- Skies of Arcadia
- Skispringen 2003
- Skispringen Winter 2006
- Skisprung Wintercup 2005
- Skullbyte Match
- Sky Odyssey
- SkyDrift
- Skyworker
- Sled Storm
- Sleeping Dogs
- Sleeping Dogs 2
- Sleepwalker
- Small Soldiers
- Smashing
- Smooth Operators - Call Center Chaos
- Smooth Operators - Call Center Chaos
- Smuggler's Run
- Snail Mail
- Snake
- Sniper - Ghost Warrior
- Sniper - Ghost Warrior 2
- Sniper - Path of Vengeance
- Sniper Elite
- Sniper Elite - Zombie Army
- Sniper Elite - Zombie Army 2
- Sniper Elite 3
- Sniper Elite V2
- Snow Queen Quest, The
- Snow Racer 98
- Snowboard Kids DS
- Snowboard Park Tycoon
- Snowy - The Bear´s Adventures
- Snowy Space Trip
- Soap Bubble
- SOCOM - US Navy Seals
- Socom U S Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2
- Solar War
- Solar Winds
- Soldat
- Soldier Elite
- Soldier of Fortune
- Soldier of Fortune
- Soldier of Fortune
- Soldier of Fortune 2
- Soldier Of Fortune 2 Double Helix
- Soldiers - Heroes of WW2
- Soldiers of Anarchy
- Solitaire (Windows)
- Sonic & Knuckles
- Sonic Adventure
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Generations
- Sonic Rivals 2
- Sonic Rush Adventure
- Sony Game
- Sorades - Die Befreiung
- Soul Calibur 2
- Soul Calibur IV
- Soul Magician
- Soul Reaver 2
- Soul Ride
- Soulbringer
- South Park
- South Park - The Stick of Truth
- South Park Rally
- South Park: Chefs Luv Shack
- Space Ace HD
- Space Channel 5
- Space Clash - The Last Frontier
- Space Colony
- Space Empires - Starfury
- Space Empires 3
- Space Empires V
- Space Giraffe
- Space Hack
- Space Interceptor - Project Freedom
- Space Nightmare
- Space Nightmares
- Space Pirates and Zombies
- Space Quest
- Space Quest 2
- Space Quest 4
- Space Quest 5
- Space Quest 6
- Space Siege
- Space Tripper
- Spaceforce - Rogue Universe
- Spaceforce Captains
- Spacehog
- Spannende Abenteuer - Die Verschollene Grabkammer
- Spartan
- Spawn
- Spec Ops - Ranger Elite
- Spectral Force 3
- Spectral Force 3 - Innocent Rage
- Speed Busters
- Speed Kings
- Speed Kings
- Speedboat Raser Europa
- Speedy Eggbert
- Speedy Eggbert 2
- SpellForce
- Spellforce - Shadow of the Phoenix
- Spellforce - The Breath of Winter
- Spellforce 2
- Spellforce 2 - Dragon Storm
- SpellForce 2 - Faith in Destiny
- Spezi ist Spitze!
- Sphinx und die verfluchte Mumie
- Sphinx und die verfluchte Mumie
- Spider Man 2 The Game
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man - The Movie
- Spider-Man 2
- Spider-Man 2 - Enter Electro
- Spider-Man 3
- Spiderman - The Movie
- Spiderman 2
- Spiderwick Chronicles
- Splashdown
- Splinter Cell
- Splinter Cell
- Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory
- Splinter Cell - Mission Pack
- Splinter Cell 2 - Pandora Tomorrow
- Splinter Cell Conviction
- Split Second Velocity
- Spobbleoid
- Spongebob - Atlantisches Abenteuer
- Spongebob Schwammkopf - Die Kreatur aus der ...
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die Macht des Schleims
- SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom
- SpongeBob SquarePants - Legend / Lost Spatula
- SpongeBob SquarePants - The Movie
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Employee of the Month
- SpongeBob und seine Freunde - Durch dick und dünn
- SpongeBob und seine Freunde Angriff der Spielzeug
- Spore
- Spore - Galaktische Abenteuer
- Spore Labor Kreaturen Designer
- Sports Car GT
- Spring Break
- Spy Hunter
- Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon
- Spyro - Enter the Dragonfly
- Spyro 2 - Gateway To Glimmer
- Spyro 3 - Year Of The Dragon
- Spyro the Dragon
- Squiz
- SSX BlurHits
- SSX On Tour
- SSX Tricky
- SSX Tricky
- Stackopolis
- Stalin Subway
- Stalin Subway 2 Red Veil
- Stalin vs Martians
- Stalker Clear Sky
- Star Control 2
- Star Control 3
- Star Platinum
- Star Prospector
- Star Ruler
- Star Trek - A Final Unity
- Star Trek - Armada 2
- Star Trek - DS9 The Fallen
- Star Trek - Elite Force
- Star Trek - Elite Force II
- Star Trek - Generations
- Star Trek - Hidden Evil
- Star Trek - Invasion
- Star Trek - Nemesis
- Star Trek - Next Generation: A Final Unity
- Star Trek - Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates
- Star Trek - Starfleet Command 2
- Star Trek - Starfleet Command II
- Star Trek - Tactical Assault
- Star Trek - Voyager - Elite Force
- Star Wars - Angriff der Klonkrieger
- Star Wars - Battlefront
- Star Wars - Battlefront 2
- Star Wars - Battlefront II
- Star Wars - Battlefront II
- Star Wars - Bounty Hunter
- Star Wars - Bounty Hunter
- Star Wars - Demolition
- Star Wars - Empire at War
- Star Wars - Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles
- Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds
- Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaign
- Star Wars - Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic 2
- Star Wars - Obi Wan
- Star Wars - Rebel Assault
- Star Wars - Republic Commandos
- Star Wars - Rogue Leader - RS2
- Star Wars - Shadows Of The Empire
- Star Wars - Starfighter
- Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duel
- Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes
- Star Wars - The Force Unleashed
- Star Wars - The Force Unleashed
- Star Wars - The Force Unleashed - The Ultimate Sit
- Star Wars - The Force Unleashed 2
- Star Wars - The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars Episode 1 - Racer
- Star Wolves
- Star X
- Starblade Alpha
- Starcraft
- StarCraft - Brood War
- Starcraft 2
- Stardom - Your Quest for Fame
- Starfleet Command 3
- Starflight 2
- Starlight Racing
- Stars - Cold Toys
- StarShip Eleven
- Starship Seven
- Starship Troopers
- Starships Unlimited
- Starsky & Hutch
- Starsky & Hutch
- Starsky And Hutch
- Startopia
- State of Emergency
- State of War
- Stateshift
- Stealth Combat
- Steel Saviour
- Steel Tide
- Stellaris
- Stick Soldiers 2
- Still Life
- Stone Age
- StoneBreaker
- Stonekeep
- Storm Angel
- Stormlord
- Stranglehold
- Stratosphere
- Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike
- Street Fighter IV
- Street Hoops
- Street Hoops
- Street Legal Racing - Redline
- Street Racing Syndicate
- Street Rod
- Street Skater
- Street Skater 2
- Strife
- Stronghold (1993)
- Stronghold (2001)
- Stronghold 2
- Stronghold Crusader
- Stronghold Crusader - Extreme
- Stronghold Legends
- Struggle of Power
- Stubbs the Zombie
- Stubbs The Zombie In Rebel Without A Pulse
- Stuntman - Ignition
- Stuntman - Ignition
- Stupid Invaders
- Sub Command
- Subculture
- Subliminal Messages
- Subliminal Messages 2
- Subliminal Messages 3
- Sudden Strike
- Sudden Strike 2
- Sudden Strike Forever
- Sudeki
- Suffering
- Suffering - Ties that Bind
- Summoner
- Summoning, The
- Sunny Garcia Surfing
- Super Bikes - Riding Challenge
- Super Bust-A-Move
- Super Mario 64DS
- Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
- Super Mario PC Challenge 6
- Super Sexy Dildo Shooter
- Super Smash Bros Brawl
- Super Smash Bros Melee
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo
- Super Transball 2
- Super ZZT
- Superbike 2001
- Supercar Street Challenge
- Supercross 2000
- Superdimension Iliad (
- Superfrog
- Superman - The Man of Steel
- Superstar Manager
- Supreme Commander 2
- Supreme Ruler - Cold War
- Supreme Ruler 2020
- Surfing H3O
- Surfs Up
- Suspended
- Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing
- Sven kommt
- SWAT - Target Liberty
- SWAT 3 - Close Quarters Battle
- SWAT 4
- SWAT 4- The Stetchkov Syndikat
- Swine
- Swing Away Golf
- Switch
- Switchfire
- Sword of the Samurai
- Sword of the Stars
- Syberia
- Syberia 2
- Syndicate
- Syphon Filter 2
- Söldner - Secret Wars
- Söldner X - Himmelsstürmer
- T-Day
- T4 Funeral
- Tactical Commanders
- Tactical Ops
- Tagwars
- Tailchaser
- Tak and the Guardians of Gross
- Tak and the Power of Juju
- Tamagotchi Connection - Corner Shop 2
- Tangram
- Tank Commander
- Tarzan
- Tarzan
- Taubenschrecker
- Taxi Challenge Berlin
- Taxi Racer London 2
- TD Overdrive
- Team Apache
- Team Fortress 2
- Team Telekom Eurotour Cycling
- Technomage
- Technomage
- Teen Agent
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
- Tekken 1
- Tekken Tag Tournament
- Tekwar
- Tempel des elementaren Bösen, Der
- Temujin
- Tendo
- Tennis Arena
- Tennis Masters Series 2003
- Terminal Velocity
- Terminator - Salvation
- Terminator 3 - Rise Of The Machines
- Terminator Salvation
- Terminus
- Terra Wars NY Invasion
- Terracide
- Terraria
- TerraWars - New York Invasion
- Terrorist Takedown - Payback
- Terrorist Takedown 2
- Terrorist Takedown 3
- Test Drive
- Test Drive - Offroad
- Test Drive 5
- Test Drive Off Road: Wide Open
- Test Drive Unlimited
- Test Drive Unlimited
- Test Drive Unlimited
- Tetris Attack
- Tetris Plus
- Tetris Worlds
- Thandor - Die Invasion
- The Bouncer
- The Bureau - XCOM Declassified
- The Entente WW1 Battlefields
- The Evil Within
- The Getaway
- The Hulk
- The Italian Job
- The Italian Job
- The Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon
- The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
- The Matrix - Path of Neo
- The Moment of Silence
- The Office
- The Saboteur
- The Ship - Mörder ahoi
- The Unholy War
- The Walking Dead - Survival Instinct
- Theme Hospital
- Theme Hospital
- Theme Park Manager
- Theme Park World
- Theme Park World
- Theme Park World
- Theseus - Return of the Hero
- Thief
- Thief - Deadly Shadows
- Third Courier, The
- Thirsty Punk
- This is Football 2002
- This is Football 2003
- Thorgal
- Thrasher - Skate And Destroy
- Three Kingdoms
- Thrillville
- Thrillville - Off the Rails
- Throne of Darkness
- Thruster
- Thunder Strike - Operation Phoenix
- Thunderbolt 2
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
- Time Gal
- Time Stalkers
- Timeshift
- Tintin - Prisoners of the Sun
- Tintin in Tibet
- Tiny Tank - Up Your Arsenal
- Tiny Toon - Buster and the Beanstalk
- Titan Quest
- Titan Quest - Immortal Throne
- Titanic
- TKKG 9 - Voodoozauber
- Tobes Vertical Adventure
- TOCA - Touring Car
- TOCA 2 - Touring Car
- Toca 2 Touring Car
- TOCA World Touring Cars
- Tom and Jerry - Krieg der Schnurrhaare
- Tom Clancy - EndWar
- Tom Clancys HAWX
- Tom und Jerry - Allein zu Haus
- Tom und Jerry - Krieg der Schnurrhaare
- Tomb Climber
- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider - Anniversary
- Tomb Raider - Chronicles
- Tomb Raider - Die Chronik
- Tomb Raider - Die Chronik
- Tomb Raider - Legend
- Tomb Raider - Legend
- Tomb Raider - Legend
- Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness
- Tomb Raider 2
- Tomb Raider 2
- Tomb Raider 2013
- Tomb Raider 3
- Tomb Raider 4
- Tomb Raider 4
- Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation
- Tomb Raider 6
- Tomb Raider Underworld
- Tomb Raider: The Times
- Tombi 2
- Tombstone 1882
- Tony Hawk - American Wasteland
- Tony Hawk 2
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD
- Tony Hawks American Wasteland
- Tony Hawks American Wasteland
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4
- Tony Hawks Proving Ground
- Tony Hawks Underground
- Tony Hawks Underground 2
- Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 3
- Tony Hawk´s Skateboarding
- Top Gun - Combat Zones
- Top Gun - Fire at Will
- Top Spin
- Torchlight
- Torchlight 2
- Torrente
- Tortuga - Two Treasures
- Tortuga Bay
- Total Annihilation
- Total Carnage
- Total Club Manager
- Total Immersion Racing
- Total Immersion Racing
- Total Immersion Racing
- Total Overdose
- Totem Tribe Deluxe
- Tottemo Pheromone
- Tower Bloxx Deluxe
- Towers 2 - Plight Of The Stargazer
- Toy Golf Extreme
- Toy Story 2
- Trackmania Sunrise
- Trade Wars 2002
- Traffic Department 2192
- Transformers
- Transformers - Convoy no Nazo
- Transformers - Die Rache
- Transformers - Kampf um Cybertron
- Transformers - Revenge of the
- Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen
- Transformers - The Game
- Transformers - War For Cybertron
- Transformers Armada - Prelude to Energon
- Transport Gigant
- Transworld Surf
- Transylvania
- Trash it
- Traumhochzeit Las Vegas
- Traumschiff Surprise - Periode 1
- Travian Kingdoms
- Treasure Island
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasures of Montezuma
- Treibjagd 3D
- Trespasser
- Tribal Trouble
- Tribeca
- Trible Play Baseball 2000
- Trick N' Snow Boarder
- Tricolore Crise
- Triff die Robinsons
- Trine 2
- Triple Play 2000
- Triple Play 97
- Triple Play 98
- Triple Play 99
- Troll
- Trolls
- Tron 2.0
- Tropico
- Tropico - Paradise Island
- Tropico 2
- Tropico 2 - Pirate Cove
- Tropico 3
- Tropico 4
- Tropico 5
- True Crime - Streets of L.A.
- True Crime - Streets of LA
- TSteroids
- Tsuki Possession
- Tsunami 2265
- TubeTwist
- Tudors
- Turbo GT
- Turbo Subs
- Turning Point - Fall of Liberty
- Turok - Evolution
- Turok - Evolution
- Turok - Evolution
- Turok 2
- Turok 2008
- Turtles 3
- TV Giant
- Twisted Metal - Black
- Twisted Minds
- Two Worlds
- Two Worlds 2
- Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
- Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
- Tycoon City - New York
- Tyran
- Tyranny
- Tyrian 2000
- U.B. Funkeys
- Udoiana Raunes
- UEFA Euro 2004
- UEFA EURO 2004
- UFO - Aftershock
- UFO - Enemy unknown
- UFO 2 - Terror from the Deep
- UGH!
- Uli Stein Steinschlag
- Ultima 1 - The First Age of Darkness
- Ultima 4
- Ultima 6 - The False Prophet
- Ultima 7
- Ultima 8 - Pagan
- Ultima 9 - Ascension
- Ultima Online
- Ultima Underworld
- Ultima Underworld 2
- Ultimate Body Blows
- Ultimate Civil War Battles
- Ultimate Doom
- Ultimate Doom
- Ultimate Pinball Challenge
- Ultimate Ride
- Ultimate Soccer Manager
- Ultimate Soccer Manager 98
- Ultra Diamond Mine
- Ultra Violent World
- Ulysses and the Golden Fleece
- Uncommon Valor - South Pacific
- Under the killing moon
- Undying
- Unendliche Geschichte 2
- Unepic
- Unglaublichen, Die - The Incredibles
- Unholy Dynasty
- Uninvited
- Universal Combat
- Unreal
- Unreal 2 - The Awakening
- Unreal Tournament
- Unreal Tournament
- Unreal Tournament (Game of the Year Edition)
- Unreal Tournament 2003
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Unreal Tournament 3
- Unter Schwarzer Flagge
- Unterwegs in Düsterburg
- Uplink
- Uplink - Hacker Elite
- Uprising X
- Urban Assault
- Urban Chaos
- Urban Chaos
- Urban Freestyle Soccer
- Urban Reign
- Uru - Ages Beyond Myst
- Uru - Live
- US - Most Wanted
- V-Rally
- V-Rally
- V-Rally 2
- V-Rally 3
- V2000
- V8 Supercars Race Driver
- Vagrant Story
- Valhalla - The Lord of Infinity
- Valhalla Chronicles
- Valhalla II - Before The War
- Valis 2
- Vampire - The Masquerade Redemption
- Vampire 2 - The Masquerade Bloodlines
- Vampire Night
- Vampires Dawn
- Vampires Dawn 2
- Vandal Hearts 2
- Vandell - Knight of the tortured Souls
- Vangers
- Vanguard Ace
- Vaxine
- Vegas Games
- Vegeta Strikes Back 2
- Vegi
- Velvet Assassin
- Venetica
- Venus
- Verkehrsgigant
- Vermeer
- Victoria - Revolutions
- Victoria 2
- Victoria An Empire Under The Sun
- Victorious Boxers
- Vietcong
- Vietcong - Fist Alpha
- Vietcong 2
- Viewpoint
- Vigilante
- Vigilante 8 - 2. Herausforderung
- Viper
- Virtua Cop Rebirth
- Virtua Fighter
- Virtua Squad 2
- Virtua Tennis
- Virtua Tennis 3
- Virus 2000
- Viva Pinata
- Viz
- Void Expanse
- VR Powerboat Racing
- Vrooom
- Völker 2, Die
- Völker, Die
- Wacky Races
- Wahlschlacht 2002
- Wall Street Trader 2001
- Walt Disney World Magic Racing Tour
- Wanted - Weapons of Fate
- Wanted - Weapons of Fate
- Wanted - Weapons of Fate
- War and Peace
- War Front - Turning Point
- War Gods
- War in the Gulf
- War Inc.
- War Leaders - Clash of Nations
- War of the Worlds
- War on Terror
- War Rock
- War World
- Warcraft
- Warcraft 2 - Beyond the Dark Portal
- Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness
- Warcraft 3
- Wargame European Escalation
- Wargasm
- Warhammer - Mark of Chaos
- Warhammer - Mark of Chaos - Battle March
- Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War
- Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
- Warlords Battlecry 2
- Warlords III
- Warpath
- Warrior Kings
- Warriors Orochi
- Wartorn
- Warzone 2100
- Watch Dogs
- Watchmaker
- Watchmen, The
- Water and Iron
- Water Horse Legend Of The Deep
- Waxworks
- WCW Backstage Assault
- WCW Mayhem
- WCW Nitro
- WCW Wo Thunder
- We are Football
- Weg nach Eldorado, Der
- Wendy - Geheimnis um Sören
- Wer wird Millionär? VB-Edition
- Westerner, The
- Westward
- Wet
- Whack it!
- Whacked!
- Whales Voyage I
- Whales Voyage II
- Wheelman
- Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego?
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego
- Wiggles
- Wii Fit
- Wild 9
- Wild Arms 3
- Wild ARMs XF
- Wild Metal Country
- Wild West
- Wild Wild Racing
- Wild Wild West
- Wildfire
- Wildlife Park
- Wildlife Zoo
- Wildlife Zoo Deluxe
- Will Rock
- Win Lose or Draw
- Winbrick
- Wing Commander 3
- Wing Commander 4
- Wing Commander 5
- Wing Commander Prophecy
- Wingstar
- Winning Eleven 7 International
- Wintersport Pro 2006
- Wipeout 2097 XL
- Wipeout Fusion
- Witchaven
- Witchaven 2
- Witcher 2, The
- Witcher, The
- Wizardry 4
- Wizardry 7
- Wizardry 8
- Wizards & Warriors
- Wolfenstein
- Wolfschanze
- Wolfschanze 2
- Wolfzahn
- Wolkenkratzer Simulator
- Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth
- Word Rescue
- Word Rescue Episode 2 Explore GruzzleBad Caverns
- Word Rescue Episode 3 See the Spooky Haunted House
- World Championship Snooker
- World Destruction League - War Jetz
- World Fables
- World in Conflict
- World in Conflict - Soviet Assault
- World of Qin - Siegel der Verdammnis
- World of Warcraft
- World Poker Championship 2
- World Racing
- World Racing 2
- World Rally Championship
- World Rally Championship 2 Extreme
- World Series of Poker - Tournament of Champions 07
- World Series of Poker 2008
- World War 1 - Grabenkrieg in Europa
- World War 2 Sniper
- World War 3
- World War II - Panzer Claws II
- World's Scariest Police Chases
- Worlds Scariest Police Chases
- Worms 3D
- Worms 3D
- Worms 4 - Mayhem
- Worms Armageddon
- Worms Reloaded
- Worms World Party
- Wort Guru
- Wrath of Earth
- WRC - World Rally Championship
- WRC FIA World Rally Championship
- Wreckin' Crew
- Wrecking Crew
- Wu Tang Shaolin Style
- WWE - SmackDown! vs Raw 2008
- WWE Crush Hour
- WWE Raw
- WWE Raw
- WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006
- WWF Smackdown
- WWF Warzone
- X Games Pro Boarder
- X-Beyond the Frontier
- X-Blades
- X-Com Interceptor
- X-Files
- X-Guard
- X-Men - Mutant Academy 2
- X-Men - Next Dimension
- X-Men - Ravages of the Apocalypse
- X-Men - The Official Game
- X-Men Legends 2 - Rise of Apocalypse
- X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse
- X-Men Origins - Wolverine
- X-Men Origins - Wolverine
- X-Men Origins - Wolverine
- X-Racing
- X-Squad
- X-Wing
- X2
- X2 - Die Bedrohung
- X3 - Reunion
- Xanadu Next
- XCOM 2
- XCOM Enemy Unknown
- Xena - Warrior Princess
- XG3: Extreme-G Racing
- Xi Butterfly
- XLogical
- Xpand Rally
- Xyanide Resurrection
- Xyphr
- Yager
- Yager
- ÜberSoldier
- Yo! Joe
- Yoda Stories
- You are Empty
- You dont know Jack 2
- You dont know Jack 3
- Yu-Gi-Oh - Die heiligen Karten
- Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Duel Stories
- Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters - World Championship 2008
- Yu-Gi-Oh! - Das dunkle Duell
- Yu-Gi-Oh! - Das dunkle Duell
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Kaiba the Revenge
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Yugi The Destiny
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Stairway to the Destined Duel
- Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Dest.
- Yucatan - Gold der Mayas
- Yume
- Yume Rip
- Z
- Z
- Zack Zero
- Zanzarah - Das verborgene Portal
- Zelda - Links Awakening
- Zelda - The Wind Waker
- Zeliard Boss
- Zeno Clash
- Zeppelin
- Zero Hour
- Zeus - Master of Olympus
- Zombie Driver
- Zombie Wars
- Zone Raiders
- Zoo Empire
- Zoo Tycoon
- Zoo Tycoon - Dinosaur Digs
- Zoo Tycoon 2 - Endangered Species
- Zool
- Zool 2
- Zoom
- Zoombinis Logical Journey
- Zork: Der Grossinquisator
4295 Datensätze :: erstellt am 16.02.2025 01:04:50