Für das Free2Play-MMORPG DragonSoul wurde nun laut Publisher Neonga die Open Beta gestartet. Mehr als 1.000 Quests erwarten den Spieler, der unter vier Charakterklassen wählen kann: Krieger, Jäger, Magier oder Assassine. Mit diesen Charakteren könnt Ihr Euch in die PvP-Kämpfe stürzen.

Players can choose which of the eight kingdoms they want to join and decide to join the fight selecting one of the four character classes DragonSoul offers: From battle-hardened warriors, experienced in the art of close combat, Mages commanding the powers of fire and ice, Assassins dealing devastating damage from the safety of the shadows to Hunters who are masters of ranged attacks, players will find numerous opportunities to prove their prowess to king and country.

But why stop at becoming the best PvP player when the kingdom's throne could be yours? The complex social system of DragonSoul offers every player the opportunity to become king of your nation! Or become the king's trusted chancellor or general and control your kingdom's economical and military successes.

With hundreds of quests, six different crafts, an extensive pet- and mount breeding system, several socializing options there is plenty to do. The world of DragonSoul never sleeps and only the toughest will reach the top.
Acht Königreiche kämpfen gegeneinander um die Herrschaft des in Trümmern liegenden Reiches.

Wollte Ihr in der Open Beta mitspielen, nutzt einfach den nachfolgenden Link - einen Release-Termin für die finale Version hat das Entwicklerteam von Giant Interactive leider noch nicht genannt.

Quelle: Offizielle Website