Sony wird im Februar das inzwischen neunte (!) Addon für EverQuest veröffentlichen:

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, today announced EverQuest®: Dragons of Norrath(TM), a new expansion for the incredibly popular PC Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), EverQuest®. EverQuest: Dragons of Norrath is scheduled to be available at retail and for digital download from Sony Online Entertainment for U.S. .99 in February 2005 with a special incentive price for U.S. and European consumers who pre-order and digitally download directly from Sony Online Entertainment.

"The EverQuest development team continues to deliver new content, adventures and features in yet another thrilling expansion pack for the world of EverQuest," said Michael Lustenberger, vice president of marketing, Sony Online Entertainment. "Combining the power of the new graphics engine and nostalgic new storylines, EverQuest: Dragons of Norrath offers a beautiful new world and challenging new quests sure to please both new and veteran EverQuest players alike."

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Quelle: Offizielle Website