
Das Passwort zum Entpacken der Datei lautet: cheatscorner

  If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, please make sure 
  to run the trainer in administrator mode.
  Right click the trainer:
  - Properties
  - Compatability 
  - Choose to run it as administrator.
  Simply right click the trainer and choose:
  - Run as administrator

  Please be careful of the modern firewalls and virusscanners, they now
  also have several protections against code injection which is needed 
  for a trainer to work, make sure you disable it while playing or it 
  could stop the trainer from working.  

  All options in this trainer will only work when the main character is
  in weapon mode. The main routines dealing with the options are only
  excuted when the player is in weapon mode. Default key to use your 
  weapons is Q. Besides that all options are created to work for 
  the player and his team mates.

  Extra Notes:
  The DLC pack released by SKIDROW contains updates from bioware aswell.
  We have done a trainer for the RELOADED 1.02 update. SKIDROW DLC Pack
  also updates the game to version 1.02. Eventhough the build number on the 
  cracked exe from SKIDROW DLC release and the 1.02 version from RELOADED
  are equal the layout of the exe and the gamecode slightly shifted positions
  Therefor our prior 1.02 trainer for the RELOADED release will not work on
  the SKIDROW crack. With this trainer this should all be fixed.
  Follow SKIDROWS instructions and install both DLCs. Than apply the SKIDROW
  crack and use our trainer.

       #    Hotkey              Option
       1    NUMPAD1             Infinite Health
       2    NUMPAD2             Save Position
       2    NUMPAD3             Restore Position           
       3    NUMPAD4             Super Speed
       4    NUMPAD5             No Weapon Overheating
       5    NUMPAD6             Re-exploding grenades
       6    NUMPAD7             Infinite Grenades and Medi-gels
       7    NUMPAD8             Easy Kill
       8    NUMPAD9             Slow Motion Enemies
       9    NUMPAD0             Enemies Can't Move
            F7                  Restore Enemy Movement
      10    F8                  Add 100.000 Credits
      11    F9                  Add 10 Talent Points
  NUMPAD1: Infinite Health
  Pressing this button will give the player and his team mates infinite Health.
  They can't be killed.

  NUMPAD2: Save Position
  Pressing this button will save the current position from the player and his team-
  mates. You can use this to restore them later.

  NUMPAD3: Restore Position
  Pressing this button will restore the position of the player and his teammates
  which you saved using numpad 2. It will teleport them back instantly. 

  NUMPAD4: Super Speed
  This option will give the player and his team mates the ability to walk with the 
  speed of light. They are unstoppable now;)  

  NUMPAD5: No Weapon Overheating
  Use this option to stop weapons from overheating.

  NUMPAD6: Re-exploding grenades
  The best option on this trainer. Throw a grenade on the ground. Press the button 
  and your grenade will turn into a re-exploding grenade. Which means it keeps 
  re-exploding. You can build up a wall of re-exploding grenades. Enemy won't come
  after you for sure;). Great fun!!

  NUMPAD7: Infinite Grenades and Medi-gels
  This option will give you infinite grenades and infinite medi-gels.

  NUMPAD8: Easy Kill
  This option will give you the ability to kill enemies really easy. This routine 
  is shared with the player and his team mates aswell. Like we explained above, 
  for all options to work 100 % for the player you should be in weapon mode. When in
  weapon mode player structures are moved to static and compared with the structure
  when gamecode executes this instruction. When structures are equal it skips the
  easy kill for the player and his team mates;). 
  One Disadvante of this game is the fact that enemies are having a shield. 
  Kill the shield and you can kill all enemies with just one shot.

  NUMPAD9: Slow Motion Enemies
  This option will slow down the enemies;). They will walk incredible slow. Will not 
  effect player and his team mates.

  NUMPAD0: Enemies Can't Move
  This option will stop the enemies from moving at all. Again it Will not 
  effect the player and his team mates. Pressing F7 will restore enemy movement
  back to normal.

  F8: Add 100.000 Credits
  Press this button to add 100.000 credits to your current amount. 

  F9: Add 10 Talent Points
  Press this button to add 10 talent points for the player and his team mates.

     1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
     2. Run the trainer from the desktop. 
     3. Start the game
     4. Toggle desired Options on/off