Space Pirates and Zombies - +4 Trainer (für v1.5.0.1) @ Cheats & more! -


PC - Spiele :: Space Pirates and Zombies :: +4 Trainer (für v1.5.0.1)

| Downloads: 430 | Aufgenommen am 08.04.2012 | Aktualisiert am 08.04.2012 | Verfasser: Thies |
+4 Trainer (für v1.5.0.1)

Dateigrösse278 kB
49 Sek.
43 Sek.
3 Sek.
Art der DateiTrainer

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A trainer for Space Pirates and Zombies, for v1.5.0.1 and above.
Tested with v1.5.0.1.
This trainer is not working with the previous versions.

HINT: The game has a built-in cheat menu. Press ALT+F7 and you can use it anytime.

First run the trainer.
Then run the game. (You can start the game with it's own icon or You can use the Start game button in the trainer.)
Hit number keys on the numerical keyboard to turn options on/off. Make sure that NumLock is active.
You can also use the checkboxes to enable/disable the options.

There are 4 options in this trainer:

1. Unlimited Rez in cargo
2. Unlimited Crew on selected ship
3. God mode for selected ship
4. Unlimited Energy for selected ship


In the new trainer, v1.5.0.1 and above, I had to make some changes in the script so it is working differently.
When you activate a cheat, eg god mode, the health will not change to 999999 immediately, only if you move the
cursor (or target reticule) a bit. Basically all you have to do is move the mouse, not a big hassle.

Unlimited Rez in ship cargo: Your ship will have 100 Rez in cargo and the amount will not decrease until you turn off the cheat.
Stand next to a beacon or your mother ship and you will get tons of Rez quickly.

Unlimited Crew on selected ship: The selected ship will have 1000 crew/goon on board.

God mode for selected ship: The ship that you control will have 999999 health.

Unlimited Energy for selected ship: The selected ship will have unlimited energy (for the energy based weapons, engine, etc)

Some additional random info about the game:
When you are in bad relations with a faction, you can bribe them with sending goons to them. If they hate you but they have a blueprint
that you would like to purchase, you can take the blueprints by force too. Destroy the station and you will get the blueprints.
If you want to level up quickly, purchase data at science stations. Don't piss off civilians if it is not neccessary, they are useful.

H I N W E I S :
Die hier angebotenen Downloads sind in der Regel nicht von Cheats & more! - erstellt worden, sondern von Dritten. Daher kann der Webmaster von Cheats & more! - nicht für die absolute Fehlerfreiheit der Auskünfte bzw. Programme garantieren. Dies trifft vor allem auf die Trainer und Editoren zu. Es besteht die Gefahr, dass ein Spiel nach einer Benutzung eines Trainers oder Editors nicht mehr voll funktionsfähig ist oder das abgespeicherte Spielstände nicht mehr aufgerufen werden können. Eine Garantie für die Funktion kann nicht gegeben werden.

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